How to make the stove sparkling with vinegar?

stove sparkling with vinegar

Want to learn how to leave the stove shining? There are a few concoctions you can make with vinegar that are great for keeping your stovetop clean.

After all, he sautés from here, fries a chicken there, cooks the meat from there and so the stove gets dirty. So when you are surprised, the situation is out of control, isn’t it?

So, knowing how common this happens, here are some simple tips on how to leave the stove shining with vinegar. Follow below! How to make the stove sparkling with vinegar? Tips!

Vinegar and neutral detergent

This is a powerful mix, great for removing those stains that just won’t go away. So, to make it, you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon alcohol vinegar;
  • 1 spoon of neutral detergent.

So, mix the two ingredients well and moisten a cloth with this mixture. Then rub all over the stove, letting it act for about 2 minutes.

After that time, you just need to pass a new cloth, now dry and clean, to remove the product and prevent it from getting stains. Once this is done, your stove will be clean and shining.

stove sparkling with vinegar

Baking Soda and Vinegar

If you want a magic recipe to make your stove shine, then you’ll only need two basic ingredients that you probably have at home:

  • Alcohol vinegar;
  • Sodium bicarbonate.

Therefore, to do this cleaning is very simple: spread the alcohol vinegar across the surface of the stove. If the dirt is very impregnated, don’t skimp on the vinegar, agreed?

Then sprinkle baking soda on all parts and let the mixture act for 5 minutes. Now just get a sponge to remove the excess, always passing the soft part of it so as not to scratch the stove.

By doing this, in addition to cleaning your stove, leaving it well sanitized, you will also leave it shiny, as if it were brand new.

White vinegar and lemon

Do not think that the mixtures to leave the stove shining with vinegar are over. Now, vinegar is a very versatile ingredient and when combined with others, it promotes unparalleled cleaning.

So, for this recipe you will need:

  • White vinegar;
  • Hot water;
  • Sodium bicarbonate;
  • Lemon Juice.

So, just make the mixture by adding 500 ml of hot water, baking soda, lemon juice and white vinegar. Now pass this mixture onto a sponge and rub the soft side all over the stove, just be careful not to burn yourself.

Finally, pass a dry cloth to remove excess and see the impressive result of a clean and shiny stove.

Tip: If the burners are very dirty, soak them in this mixture for 5 minutes. After that time, just rub them with steel wool and a dry cloth.

Vinegar and degreaser

When the stove is too dirty, there is no other way out: you will need a degreaser to do this cleaning job more efficiently.

So here you will need:

  • Vinegar;
  • Degreaser or remover.

The idea is not to mix the two, but to apply a degreaser or remover first to remove the excess. Remember to follow the guidelines given by the manufacturer.

Also, to finish, clean with vinegar and sponge. Just apply some vinegar to the soft part of the sponge, then just rub it.

Then finish the cleaning process with a damp or dry cloth. As a result, your stove will shine again.

White vinegar and warm water.

The ideal is not to let the stove arrive in a situation of maximum dirt, as this makes cleaning more time consuming and laborious.

Therefore, the solution of white vinegar with warm water is great for everyday use, as it ensures effective cleaning and prevents the stove from arriving in a very dirty state.

Thus, you will need;

  • 1 spoon of vinegar;
  • Warm water.

In a spray bottle, mix vinegar and warm water. Then spray the mixture on a cloth and pass it on the stove. Finally, wipe with a dry cloth to remove excess.

Tip: Always do this process after cooking, so you keep the stove shining. However, do not forget to wait for the stove to cool down, of course!

stove sparkling with vinegar

How to keep the stove shining?

In addition to using the vinegar solutions shown above to keep your stove always clean and shining, some day-to-day measures help to ensure that this appliance is in good condition. Look!

Clean as soon as you’re done

Accumulated dirt is always harder to get out and ends up causing stains. Therefore, adopt the habit of, when you finish cooking, wait for the stove to cool down and clean it.

Remove grease stains immediately

Prevention is always the best medicine. When noticing that a grease stain has spilled onto the stove, wipe it off immediately with a cloth dipped in vinegar. This will prevent stains from appearing.

Use stove protectors

Finally, another tip that works great to keep the stove shining is to use the protectors, ideal for those who cook daily and want to keep it always clean.

The great advantage of these protectors is that they avoid the contact of fat and other foods directly on the stove, that is, it makes cleaning less laborious.

Of course, they end up hiding the stove, but sometimes using the protectors can help a lot.


Now you know what steps to take to make your stove shine with vinegar. After all, this versatile ingredient combines with several others and promotes a deep cleaning of your appliance.

stove sparkling with vinegar

Also, don’t forget to follow the tips that ensure you keep the stove clean longer and even help with its durability.

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