How to make the stove sparkling with vinegar?

stove sparkling with vinegar

Want to learn how to leave the stove shining? There are a few concoctions you can make with vinegar that are great for keeping your stovetop clean.

After all, he sautés from here, fries a chicken there, cooks the meat from there and so the stove gets dirty. So when you are surprised, the situation is out of control, isn’t it?

So, knowing how common this happens, here are some simple tips on how to leave the stove shining with vinegar. Follow below! How to make the stove sparkling with vinegar? Tips!

Vinegar and neutral detergent

This is a powerful mix, great for removing those stains that just won’t go away. So, to make it, you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon alcohol vinegar;
  • 1 spoon of neutral detergent.

So, mix the two ingredients well and moisten a cloth with this mixture. Then rub all over the stove, letting it act for about 2 minutes.

After that time, you just need to pass a new cloth, now dry and clean, to remove the product and prevent it from getting stains. Once this is done, your stove will be clean and shining.

stove sparkling with vinegar

Baking Soda and Vinegar

If you want a magic recipe to make your stove shine, then you’ll only need two basic ingredients that you probably have at home:

  • Alcohol vinegar;
  • Sodium bicarbonate.

Therefore, to do this cleaning is very simple: spread the alcohol vinegar across the surface of the stove. If the dirt is very impregnated, don’t skimp on the vinegar, agreed?

Then sprinkle baking soda on all parts and let the mixture act for 5 minutes. Now just get a sponge to remove the excess, always passing the soft part of it so as not to scratch the stove.

By doing this, in addition to cleaning your stove, leaving it well sanitized, you will also leave it shiny, as if it were brand new.

White vinegar and lemon

Do not think that the mixtures to leave the stove shining with vinegar are over. Now, vinegar is a very versatile ingredient and when combined with others, it promotes unparalleled cleaning.

So, for this recipe you will need:

  • White vinegar;
  • Hot water;
  • Sodium bicarbonate;
  • Lemon Juice.

So, just make the mixture by adding 500 ml of hot water, baking soda, lemon juice and white vinegar. Now pass this mixture onto a sponge and rub the soft side all over the stove, just be careful not to burn yourself.

Finally, pass a dry cloth to remove excess and see the impressive result of a clean and shiny stove.

Tip: If the burners are very dirty, soak them in this mixture for 5 minutes. After that time, just rub them with steel wool and a dry cloth.

Vinegar and degreaser

When the stove is too dirty, there is no other way out: you will need a degreaser to do this cleaning job more efficiently.

So here you will need:

  • Vinegar;
  • Degreaser or remover.

The idea is not to mix the two, but to apply a degreaser or remover first to remove the excess. Remember to follow the guidelines given by the manufacturer.

Also, to finish, clean with vinegar and sponge. Just apply some vinegar to the soft part of the sponge, then just rub it.

Then finish the cleaning process with a damp or dry cloth. As a result, your stove will shine again.

White vinegar and warm water.

The ideal is not to let the stove arrive in a situation of maximum dirt, as this makes cleaning more time consuming and laborious.

Therefore, the solution of white vinegar with warm water is great for everyday use, as it ensures effective cleaning and prevents the stove from arriving in a very dirty state.

Thus, you will need;

  • 1 spoon of vinegar;
  • Warm water.

In a spray bottle, mix vinegar and warm water. Then spray the mixture on a cloth and pass it on the stove. Finally, wipe with a dry cloth to remove excess.

Tip: Always do this process after cooking, so you keep the stove shining. However, do not forget to wait for the stove to cool down, of course!

stove sparkling with vinegar

How to keep the stove shining?

In addition to using the vinegar solutions shown above to keep your stove always clean and shining, some day-to-day measures help to ensure that this appliance is in good condition. Look!

Clean as soon as you’re done

Accumulated dirt is always harder to get out and ends up causing stains. Therefore, adopt the habit of, when you finish cooking, wait for the stove to cool down and clean it.

Remove grease stains immediately

Prevention is always the best medicine. When noticing that a grease stain has spilled onto the stove, wipe it off immediately with a cloth dipped in vinegar. This will prevent stains from appearing.

Use stove protectors

Finally, another tip that works great to keep the stove shining is to use the protectors, ideal for those who cook daily and want to keep it always clean.

The great advantage of these protectors is that they avoid the contact of fat and other foods directly on the stove, that is, it makes cleaning less laborious.

Of course, they end up hiding the stove, but sometimes using the protectors can help a lot.


Now you know what steps to take to make your stove shine with vinegar. After all, this versatile ingredient combines with several others and promotes a deep cleaning of your appliance.

stove sparkling with vinegar

Also, don’t forget to follow the tips that ensure you keep the stove clean longer and even help with its durability.

Discover the sights of the wonderful city

There are many tourist attractions in the wonderful city, as there is no shortage of options in Rio de Janeiro and there is entertainment, fun and beauties for all tastes.

So, you can be sure that you will leave Rio de Janeiro in love. That is why the capital of Rio periodically receives more than 2 million visitors per year.

So, in this content today you will find the main sights of the wonderful city to plan your trip well. Check it out right now!

Christ the Redeemer


To start our list of must-see sights in Rio de Janeiro, don’t forget to mention one of the city’s biggest attractions: Christ the Redeemer.

The monument is 38 meters high and stands with open arms. It is located in the Tijuca National Park, on top of Corcovado Mountain. When visiting it, you can have a privileged view of the city, being able to contemplate the entire Guanabara Bay.

So, today the visitor has two ways to reach him:

  • Train – with a journey of 20 minutes;
  • Van – leaving from the Paineiras Visitors Center.

Sugar Loaf


Another popular tourist spot in Rio de Janeiro is the Sugarloaf Mountain, which is located 400 m above sea level. The beginning of the tour begins with a lot of emotion: through the famous cable car, a symbol of the lands of Rio de Janeiro.

Thus, through it, you can have a privileged view of various points of the city, from Urca to Niterói. Among so many beauties to be seen from the cable car, one of the main ones is Enseada de Botafogo and, of course, Guanabara Bay.

The whole tour lasts about 2 hours, counting from the ascent to the stay on Sugarloaf Mountain. There, you can see the Mythological Guanabara Sculpture, boque, lookout to Praia Vermelha, in addition to having shops and bars.

However, if you are traveling to Rio de Janeiro in the high season, our tip is that you guarantee your ticket as soon as possible through the website, as the demand is huge.

Saint tereza


One of the sights of the wonderful city that you will love is the Saint Tereza neighborhood, located right in the central region of the city. The place is one of the favorites of tourists, as it is there that the famous Escadaria Selarón is located.

Therefore, the neighborhood is a tourist stop for those who like something more historical, because there you feel in a more colonial region, which seems to have been preserved over time.

In addition, in Saint Tereza there are other incredible attractions, such as the Museu da Chácara do Céu and the Parque das Ruínas. Thus, it is a more historic tourism with a bohemian atmosphere.

By the way, if you’re the type that likes cold beer, beautiful people and snacks, then, without a doubt, you’ll love visiting the Saint Tereza neighborhood

Tijuca Forest


Also called the Tijuca National Park, the Tijuca Forest is one of the sights of the wonderful city. There you can find one of the largest urban forests in the world.


With more than 39.50 km², the Park is listed as a conservation unit and there you have many possibilities of what to do, such as trails, waterfalls, historical ruins and much more. All this right in the center of the capital of Rio de Janeiro.

Thus, it is the right tour for those who like to be close to nature. Best of all, Tijuca National Park can be visited all year round, just buy a ticket to see this wonder up close.

Copacabana beach


It is impossible to talk about visiting Rio de Janeiro without mentioning the beaches, especially Copacabana beach, one of the most famous in Brazil and which is also on the list of the best beaches in the world.

It is 3 km long and there you will come across several incredible spots, many of which were carnival stages, inspirations for music, film and soap opera settings and much more.

For this reason, be sure to set aside a day just to enjoy Copacabana beach: stroll along the boardwalk, discover the statues that are scattered there, take a walk at the Copacabana Fort and, of course, enjoy the beach a bit.

In addition to all this, you can still take the opportunity to visit several kiosks, bars and restaurants that are nearby. After all, the beach is quite busy and is ideal for those who enjoy entertainment.

Lapa Arches


The Carioca Aqueduct, popularly known as Arcos da Lapa, is one of the sights of the wonderful bohemian city and features many postcards. As the name itself makes clear, the place is the gateway to Lapa.

So, following the romantic style, the white flowers were built from the 18th century onwards as a way of supplying the lack of water for the Carioca population.

Soon, years after the sanitation and water system became more modern, the arches were used to connect the city. The cable car, which in the 19th century became the main means of transport in the city, passed through there.

Today it is a historic tourist spot, with 42 arches and 270 m, in addition to 18 m in height. It is a colonial construction

to the country and nearby you have restaurants and bars very busy.

Lage Park


Another option for those who like to be in contact with nature is to visit Lage Park. Another mandatory tourist spot for anyone passing through Rio de Janeiro is located very close to Corcovado.

The park is listed as Historical and Landscape Heritage by IPHAN and a few decades ago it was a sugar mill, which was restored by a landscaper. His inspiration was European palaces and gardens.

Thus, the property ended up becoming public and there you can connect a little with nature, there are 52 hectares of green, with trails and parks. In addition to being a great place to learn more about Brazilian architecture.



Now you know some of the main sights of the wonderful city. So, be sure to visit each one of them, you will surely be surprised by the beauties of Rio de Janeiro.

10 incredible facts about giraffes

In addition to being tall, fluffy and elegant, there are several incredible facts about giraffes that surprise, although they are still little studied scientifically.

However, it is known that giraffes are charming, it is not for nothing that it is one of the most popular animals in zoos in Brazil and there are only 17 of them in the country.

So, if you’ve always wanted to know a little more about giraffes, today we’ve separated 10 very interesting facts that many people don’t know about them. Check it out right now!

1 – They can reach more than 5 meters in height

It is not easy to increase the height of giraffes, but many researchers claim that they can reach up to 5.5 meters in height. The largest giraffe ever recorded is over 6 meters.

So it’s a bigger animal than a two-story house. The giraffe’s neck, for example, can reach almost 2 meters. However, height depends on several factors, from the type of species to sex, males are even usually larger than females, for example.

2 – Males get dark over time

During years of analyzing giraffes, scientists discovered that males’ spots darken over time, especially as they mature.

According to studies, this happens because of the high level of testosterone. Including, the colors of giraffes allow scholars to identify the sex and even the age of the animal.

3 – Giraffes rest too little

One of the amazing facts about giraffes is that they rest little. A day, they only sleep from 5 to 30 minutes, which is surprising when analyzing their size, isn’t it?

However, there is no plausible explanation for this. Some say this is a way to expose itself less to predators, while other scientists believe that the resting position makes the giraffe more vulnerable.

Just to give you an idea, the time for this animal to get up is usually about 15 seconds. Ah, another curiosity here: this is why giraffes sleep standing up.

4 – The gestation of the giraffe is long

Giraffe gestation is quite long, usually 15 months, that is, 1 year and 3 months. The animal usually gives birth to only one cub during its entire life.

In addition, during childbirth, giraffes do not lie down, as a result of which the calf falls from a height of about 2 meters. Incidentally, this puppy is born already 1.5 meters tall.

5 – Has the strongest kick in the animal world

The giraffe has the strongest kick in the animal world, capable of reaching 55 km per hour, capable of taking a lion to death. It is worth mentioning that the giraffe has as predators crocodiles, lions and even man himself.

However, like any animal, it also tends to attack when it feels threatened. So, it is at this moment that she uses her paw to ward off the predator.

6 – The giraffe’s heart is 43 times larger than the human heart

In addition to all the amazing facts about giraffes that you’ve seen here, it’s also interesting to mention that these animals have a heart 43 times bigger than a human’s heart.

The reason for this is scientifically explained: the giraffe’s head is more than two meters from the heart. So, for the blood to rise to the head, the heart needs to be big and strong: 11kg;
60 cm long;
8 cm thick.

7 – A giraffe’s tongue is incredibly long and strong

A giraffe’s tongue is incredibly long: from 45 cm to 50 cm. This feature allows these animals to be able to pick flowers from trees more easily.

Now, males consume more than 60 kg of food per day and spend most of their time feeding, about 20 days a day. Therefore, the giraffe’s tongue is dark, so it is possible to avoid sunburn.

8 – They can run very fast

One of the amazing facts about giraffes is also that they can run fast, although for much of the day they live at a slower, more relaxed pace, with speeds of up to 15 km/h.

However, if a threat arises, they can run up to 60 km/h. However, I quickly run out of air too and need to take a break soon. After all, the long neck makes longer runs difficult.

9 – Giraffes live in groups

They live in groups, usually up to 20 individuals. With this, they manage to remain vigilant more easily and effectively, thus protecting themselves from predators.

Ah, they have an excellent vision to identify predators and escape in time. The eyes are positioned laterally, increasing the field of vision. So when a giraffe sees a threat, it looks in the direction of the predator and the rest of the herd knows it’s time to flee.

10 – They can be extinguished

Finally, one of the amazing and sad facts about giraffes is that they can become extinct. According to a survey by the Conservation Foundation, which works to preserve these animals, there are now just over 117,170 giraffes in the na na nanature, which are distributed in the African continent.

However, due to illegal hunting and the destruction of their natural habitat, in recent years there has been a noticeable decline in giraffes. Thus, they are threatened with extinction.


These are some of the amazing facts about giraffes and as you’ve seen, they really are peculiar and amazing beings. Surely now you will look at these animals with different eyes.

How to have fun with your puppy

Dogs have a lot of energy and so that furniture doesn’t end up with your house and other objects, it’s important that this energy is spent correctly. Therefore, many tutors are looking for ways to have fun with their puppy!

So, there are several games that can be played in your house or apartment, which are fun and help to strengthen your relationship with your pet. After all, quality time is very important for dogs.

Therefore, to help you with this task of how to have fun with your puppy, here are some ideas for games that these animals love. See below!

The importance of having fun with your puppy

In addition to being a way to strengthen the bonds between you and your pet, the games you play with your puppy are also a way to keep him healthy and happy.

That’s because dogs have a lot of energy and that energy needs to be channeled in some positive way. Otherwise, the dog may show negative behaviors, such as destroying the sofa, slippers and even showing a certain aggression.

That way, those tutors who have a small space at home or who don’t have much time to walk their pet need to look for ideas to have fun with their puppy.

This is a very simple way to show attention to the dog, making him feel loved and anxious, even negative feelings that can arise in the animal, such as anxiety and depression, for example.

How to have fun with your puppy? Knowing the importance of keeping the dog active, here are some games you can do to have fun with your best friend. The ideas are simple and easy to implement. Check out!

Hide his Toys


It is essential that animals have toys, so they can channel some of their energy into these objects and thus lead a healthier life.

So most puppies have their favorite toys. So, one way to have fun with your pet is to use this to your advantage: hide his favorite toy.

In this way, you will stimulate your dog’s intelligence, making him look for his favorite toy, in addition to keeping him busy for a good few minutes.

However, to make the game more fun, the tip is to hide the toy in places that are not so clear, but that are within reach of the animal, of course!

Play with the ball


have fun with puppy

One of the ways to have fun with your puppy is to play ball, as it is an activity that does not require so much effort and that pets tend to love.

So, if you have a hallway in your house or apartment, it’s really worth inviting your dog to this game, just stay at one end of the hallway and throw the ball.

Without a doubt he will run towards it with all the energy possible, jumping and having a great time. However, do not forget to use a suitable ball, which fits the opening of the dog’s mouth, so he will be able to grab it with his teeth.

In addition, another tip to make the game of throwing the ball even more fun is to pretend that you are going to throw the object and not to, or even to throw the ball in different places and distances. With this, you stimulate the animal’s senses.

Hide and seek


Don’t think that hide and seek is a game that only children love, this is also an idea of ​​how to have fun with your puppy that works very well, being a way to train your pet’s hunting ability.

After all, hide-and-seek is able to stimulate memory, as well as the dog’s intelligence, making him plan in which possible environments in the house his owner is, until he finds him.

So, play hide and seek with the dog and whenever he finds you, don’t forget to congratulate him. You can do this with positive words like “good boy” or with that treat your pet loves.

However, pay attention to the signs your dog shows. If he feels scared or bothered by his absence, immediately stop a game of hide and seek.

Obstacle course


have fun with puppy

You can still have fun with your puppy by creating an obstacle course for him to show off all his skills. Including, this is a joke that pets love and that doesn’t require such a large space to be carried out.

In this case, all you’ll need are basic, easy-to-find objects like rubber bands and hula hoops. You can improvise with cups and other items you have at home too.

Then, encourage your dog to jump over the obstacles that were created and reward his effort with affection or a treat.

This is an excellent alternative for how to have fun with your puppy, as it helps the dog to expend energy, even relieving stress. That’s because jumping the obstacles requires not only physical effort, but also an effort of the mind.



have fun with puppy
Jumping is a joke Look for a toy that your puppy likes and show it to him, inviting him to pick it up.

So, keep your arm a little outstretched, so that the dog can only grab the toy if he jumps. At first, he may be a little confused, but as dogs are smart, he will quickly understand your goal.

To encourage the animal to continue playing and having fun, thus spending all its energy, always offer snacks and a reward so that it associates that moment with something pleasurable.


Above you saw some tips and ideas on how to have fun with your puppy. Playing with the pet is a way to promote its well-being, avoiding stress and negative behavior.

So, set aside time to dedicate yourself to it. In addition to strengthening your relationship, it is certainly a great way for you to create positive memories with your friend.

See the main typical foods of the northeast of Brazil

When you arrive in northeastern Brazilian lands, you will find surprising landscapes, a lot of history, a latent culture and, of course, a gastronomy that no one can fault. That’s because, the typical foods from the northeast of Brazil are incredible!

Therefore, if you are interested in gastronomic experiences, there is no doubt that the taste of northeastern gastronomy will positively surprise you.

That said, let us know that here we have made a very special selection of the main typical foods from the northeast of Brazil. Follow next!

“Baião de dois”


baião de dois

Baião de dois is a dish that mixes rice and beans. It is a typical dish of Ceará cuisine, but it is also well known in other regions of the northeast.

Then, in it, rice is cooked with string beans and seasonings are added, such as tomatoes, peppers, chives and others.

However, to make it even tastier, the baião de dois also includes pork rinds, pieces of curd cheese and sausage. By itself it is a complete dish, which does not even need a side dish.



typical northeast Brazilian foods
In most of the northeastern states, the day only begins after eating a good tapioca, also called “beiju”.

However, it is also enjoyed as a dessert and even as an afternoon snack.

Northeast tapioca is made with cassava starch and it is possible to consume it without filling or with filling.

The most traditional is tapioca with coconut and coalho cheese.

In addition to being delicious, tapioca is one of the typical foods of northeastern Brazil, nominated as Intangible Heritage and Culture of the City since 2006 by the Council for the Preservation of the Historic Site of Olinda.



The Northeast region is well known for its beaches and rivers. Therefore, it is natural that there are many typical dishes that have seafood as main ingredients.

So, one of them is exactly the moqueca, made with fish fillet, palm oil, coriander and coconut milk.

However, this delight can also be made with other ingredients, such as oyster, shrimp and even crab. In some restaurants, you can find fish and shrimp moqueca, for example.

To enjoy the moqueca, it is very common for it to have some very special accompaniments, such as white rice, mush and the typically northeastern farofa.

Maria Isabel


typical northeast Brazilian foods
Maria Isabel is one of the delicious foods typical of northeastern Brazil, very common in Piauí. However, you can find this dish in other states as well, such as Ceará, Maranhão and Rio Grande do Norte.

So, the recipe for this dish has the following ingredients as protagonists: dried meat and rice!

According to legend, in the past, Northeastern men could only consume dried meat. However, a mother, who did not have enough meat to feed her son, made a mixture of dried meat and rice.

From there, the so-called Maria Isabel was born, which, according to legend, takes its name in honor of the woman who created the dish.



Sarapatel is a controversial dish of northeastern food, as there are those who love it and there are those who prefer not to consume it. Incidentally, many people do not even have the courage to try this delicacy.

So, the reason for this is simple: the sarapatel is made with the viscera of the goat. Also, the meat is cooked with the animal’s blood. So it really is “8 or 80”.

Therefore, it is a very strong recipe and with a flavor unlike anything you have ever consumed. Despite that, it’s worth a try.

To complement, sarapatel is usually served with flour and pepper. It goes very well with white rice too!



typical northeast Brazilian foods

One of the best known typical foods from the northeast of Brazil is Acarajé. However, not everyone knows exactly what he is about.

In general, the acarajé dough is made with black-eyed peas and fried in palm oil. The food is a delicious delicacy of Afro-Brazilian cuisine.

To accompany the acarajé, the following are served:

  • Dried shrimp;
  • Vatapd;
  • Raw salad
  • Pepper.

In addition, acarajé has a whole presentation too, being served on a tray, especially when it is purchased at the famous acarajé stalls in Salvador, Bahia.



Another typical food from the Northeast, also from Bahia, is the famous Vatapá. It is made with a series of ingredients, but the main ones are shrimp, palm oil and breadcrumbs.

It is usually served with white rice, but it also accompanies other typical foods from the northeast of Brazil, such as acarajé, which we mentioned earlier.

By the way, like acarajé, vatapá is a food with African origin and is therefore popular in other regions of Brazil, such as Amapá, Pará and Amazonas.



typical northeast Brazilian foods

We could not fail to mention the famous northeastern couscous, which is totally different from the couscous that is prepared in São Paulo.

So, this delicacy is very present in the food routine of the population of the northeast, as it is often consumed for breakfast. Some people even enjoy couscous as their main meal of the day.

And It is made with corn flour, seasoned with salt and steamed in the famous couscous dishes. To make it even tastier, you can add grated cheese to the couscous, which melts into the pasta when served.

However, it is a very versatile dish, which can be made with other additions as well, such as dried meat, bacon and eggs.

Without a doubt, couscous is one of the best typical foods from the northeast of Brazil and worth trying.


Here you will get to know some of the main typical foods from the northeast of Brazil. These are dishes that you can find in various northeastern regions and that are usually present on restaurant menus.

So, if you are traveling through the Northeast, be sure to try these delights. They are part of the country’s culture, in addition to providing a unique flavor for your palate.

Discover 9 benefits associated with sun exposure

There are many benefits associated with sun exposure. Therefore, experts indicate that people sunbathe for at least 20 minutes every day.

So, the indication is that this sun exposure happens without filters, in the early morning and also in the late afternoon. This in itself will bring a number of advantages.

So, to make it clearer how important this exposure to the sun is for health, we have separated 9 benefits here. Follow right now!

1 – Helps in the production of vitamin D

We are aware that exposure to the sun aids in the production of vitamin D, but why is it so crucial to our health? First of all, because it helps to enhance the amount of calcium in the body, this mineral is crucial for the health of bones and joints.

Vitamin D production is one of the main advantages of sun exposure. This vitamin plays an important role in bone health, as it is responsible for helping with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

For this reason, low levels of vitamin D are linked to rickets in children and a number of diseases that affect the bones.

2 – Relieves depression

According to the scientific website of Medicina Healthline, sun exposure is still responsible for increasing serotonin levels, a hormone that is related to mood improvement.

Thus, exposing yourself to the sun properly is essential to combat and alleviate the symptoms of depression. Therefore, many psychologists and psychiatrists indicate this practice for patients.

3 – Balances blood pressure

A study carried out in England also showed that one of the benefits associated with sun exposure is blood pressure balance.

Additionally, the body has to work harder to maintain the same temperature after being exposed to the sun, which alters the metabolism and heart rate. Even if the person has not exerted any effort while on the beach, this hidden labor of the organs ultimately results in fatigue and sleep.

According to research, the simple act of taking a little sun daily is able to promote the dilation of blood vessels. Therefore, this is the effect that lowers blood pressure and significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4 – Longevity

The benefits don’t end there, sunbathing is also related to longevity. That’s what a survey done by the Journal of Internal Medicine says.

sun exposure

The study followed 30,000 people for 20 years and came to the conclusion that those who spent more time in the sun lived from 6 months to 2 years longer than other people who had less sun exposure.

5 – Reduces cancer

By increasing vitamin D in the body, sun exposure also reduces cancer. So says the Division of Health and Medicine of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

While strong activity in this pathway results in anticancer effects, low vitamin D activity is linked to an increased risk of cancer and more rapid tumor development.

In addition, exposing yourself to the sun properly reduces the risk of mortality associated with a number of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, for example.

Therefore, including sunbathing in your routine is important and ensures more quality of life.

6 – Strengthens the immune system

So, again because it is a source of vitamin D, one of the advantages of sun exposure is strengthening the immune system.

In addition, the sun still stimulates the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), responsible for increasing white blood cells that are responsible for strengthening immunity and fighting infections.

7 – Increases eye health

Continuing with the benefits associated with sun exposure, we can also mention increased eye health. That’s because, the sun helps to improve vision and prevents a number of diseases, such as macular degeneration, for example.

A macro photography of a beautiful blue-green eye of a woman with wing eyeliner

However, to enjoy this advantage it is important to avoid looking directly at the sun, as this practice puts your health at risk.

8 – Helps with weight control

In addition to everything you’ve seen here, some studies have even shown that sun exposure is able to help with weight control. That’s because vitamin D is related to serotonin production.

Serotonin, a neurotransmitter and one of the primary hormones of pleasure, functions primarily in the central nervous system (CNS), facilitating contact between nerve cells. It is also present in the gastrointestinal tract and blood platelets.

So, this hormone, in turn, is a hormone responsible for performing a series of functions, including combating disorders related to appetite and satiety.

9 – Reduces the risk of premature menopause

Finally, one of the benefits associated with sun exposure is the reduction of early menopause, according to a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

benefits with sun exposure

Therefore, it is worth mentioning that early menopause occurs before the age of 45 and it brings a series of risks, such as the development of infertility and heart problems.


There are many benefits associated with sun exposure. Therefore, it is very important that you include the habit of sunbathing in your routine, even for 15 minutes.

Our mood is closely correlated with sun exposure, which also supports mental wellness. The creation of serotonin, a hormone known to elevate mood and support attention, among many other advantages, is increased throughout the day by sunshine.

As previously mentioned, the best time is in the morning, early in the morning, and in the late afternoon.

How to lose weight with health in 2023?

How to lose weight healthily in 2023? It’s important that you change a series of habits, especially with regard to the way you eat.

This doesn’t mean giving up eating foods you like, but if you seek moderation weight loss happens in a healthy way.

After all, balance is important in the weight loss process, so no need to follow restrictive diets or “miraculous” medicines.

So to help, we’ve separated some weight loss tips that really work. See below!


Practice physical activities


To begin with, the first tip to follow for healthy weight loss in 2023 is to practice physical activity.
Exercise helps burn fat, accelerating metabolism and bringing a number of other advantages, such as strengthening bones and reducing stress.

If you are a sedentary person, the tip is to start with little: a physical activity of 30 minutes to 1 hour, 3 or 4 times a week, for example.

That’s because, you have to wait for the body to get used to it and that only happens when practice becomes part of your routine. So, it’s no use starting with all the gas and then giving up. In addition, you can make some changes to your routine to exercise your body more, such as:

• Stop using the elevator and use the stairs instead;
• Take your dog for a walk;
• Get off two stops before work and complete the route on foot.


Reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates


Normally, when talking about a weight loss diet, it is normal for people to be concerned only with counting calories, but this is not the only point to be aware of. So, more than just ingesting the proper amount of calories, you also need to maintain the indicated intake of other nutrients.

Therefore, within this scenario, the most difficult thing tends to be reducing refined carbohydrates, which are found in most foods, but which lack important vitamins and minerals. They are easily absorbed by the body, which makes you feel hungry shortly after consumption, thus leading to eating more and more carbohydrates.

Therefore, the recommendation is to reduce their intake, such as bread, cookies, soft drinks and other foods rich in simple carbohydrates.

On the other hand, the consumption of complex carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes, lentils and others, should be increased.


Split the meals


Another important tip for healthy weight loss in 2023 is to split your meals, that is, eat less and more often during the day.

According to experts, the ideal is to have seven meals a day:

• Breakfast;
• Morning snack;
• Lunch;
• Afternoon snack;
• Dinner;
• Supper.

In this way, you can reduce hunger, which refers to the amount of sugar that reaches the blood. However, the idea of ​​splitting meals is to eat in smaller quantities, in addition to carefully selecting what will be consumed.

Consume more fiber


One of the reasons that leads to obesity is exactly the lack of fiber in the diet of most people. Including, people have ingested less than is recommended.

Therefore, it is natural that a gain in people increased in the recent years, which is worrying when talking about a healthy society. So, the advice is to consume about 30 grams of fiber per day, according to the American Heart Association.

That way, you can reduce hunger, as fibers are responsible for keeping satiety longer, avoiding to consume empty calories.


Sleep well


Changing bedtime habits also make a difference to losing weight. The indication by scientists is that the night’s sleep has 7 to 8 hours so that you can be healthy.

Otherwise, you are likely to suffer from a range of problems, from depression, anxiety to weight gain.

This is because sleep regulates a number of hormones, including cortisol, the stress hormone, which considerably increases appetite.

It’s very likely when you don’t get enough sleep you tend to feel more hungry, haven’t you? Yeah, it’s cortisol acting!

Therefore, start sleeping early and regulate your 8 hours of sleep to lose weight in a healthy way in 2023.




These are the main guidelines to follow to lose weight in 2022. So, it’s up to you now to follow each one of them to lose weight.

Also, if necessary, don’t forget to consult a nutritionist so that fat burning happens more satisfactorily. So a well-planned program and menu should be set up:

  • Set your dietary limits and make a note of them;
  • Determine how much time you have to prepare meals;
  • Select meals for every day;
  • Prepare the weekly menu;
  • Buy something;
  • Create a routine;
  • To make the procedure simpler, give it a day;
  • Be sure to tidy your pantry.

Tell us about your experiences in the comments.

Ten Negative impacts of alcohol on health

There are ten negative impacts of alcohol on health that you need to know today, as the consumption of drinks with a high alcohol content generates a series of diseases that affect your quality of life. In fact, the effects are different for each individual, even if consumption is in equal amounts.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no safe and risk-free amount of alcohol. However, some health institutions advise that consumption be 3 doses a day at most, not being recommended to exceed 7 doses per week.

In any case, it is worth paying attention to the negative impacts of alcohol on health and below we list 10 of them. Check out!


1 – Interferes with blood sugar levels


The pancreas is the organ responsible for regulating insulin and glucose in the body. When it and the liver don’t work as expected, a drop in sugar levels occurs, called hypoglycemia.

The body’s metabolic responses during a hypoglycemia crisis provide symptoms to alert the person to the issue. “Common symptoms” include trembling, dizziness, sweating, feeling nauseous and hungry, being moody or irritable, anxiety, and headaches.

As a result, the person who consumed alcohol may experience symptoms related to diabetes. For this reason, those suffering from diabetes and hypoglycemia should avoid drinking too much alcohol.


2 – Problems in the circulatory system


One of the negative impacts of alcohol on health is that it can cause problems in the circulatory system, affecting the heart and blood vessels.

red blood cells in an artery, flow inside body, medical human health-care 

Just to give you an idea, alcoholics tend to have a much higher risk of suffering from heart disease than people who do not consume alcohol.

So, when talking about respiratory problems, several diseases arise, such as:

• Hypertension;
• Stroke;
• Heart disease and more.


3 – Loss of muscle and gain of fat


Alcohol is high in sugar and has so-called empty calories. This causes it to inhibit fat burning by more than 70%. Not to mention that it compromises muscle gain, decreasing the hormone responsible for muscle mass gain by more than 30%.

As if all these negative effects weren’t enough, alcohol also uses up the body’s calcium and decreases protein synthesis.

Therefore, everything culminates in fat gain, inefficient performance in training, loss of muscle mass and inadequate recovery after physical activity.


4 – Reduces testosterone


One of the negative health impacts of alcohol is that it lowers testosterone, and both men and women need this hormone for motivation and sexual desire.

So, in women, for example, low testosterone leads to fat gain and depression. Already in men, the low of this hormone led to reduced libido and erectile dysfunction.

One study measured testosterone levels before and after drinking alcohol. The discovery was that there was a drop of more than 24% of testosterone in the fall of the hormone in that alcoholic.

So when blood alcohol levels are too high, testosterone naturally goes down.


5 – Damage to the brain


Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which directly interferes with brain mechanisms.

Connections between the areas controlling movement and vision can be broken by alcohol.

According to research, drinking alcohol impairs the connections between the part of the brain responsible for movement planning and the part of the brain that controls vision, making it challenging to synchronize the eyes and hands.

Therefore, its excessive consumption causes difficulty in reasoning, in addition to promoting changes in sleep and causing the feeling of “fragmented”.

Thus, if the use is made chronically, for example, it can cause various damages, such as difficulty in balancing, problems with dementia, serious and irreversible condition, and many other health damages.


6 – Anemia


One of the negative impacts of alcohol on health is anemia. This is because it is very common malnutrition that is directly related to alcohol consumption for a long time.

After all, its intake makes it difficult to absorb nutrients, causing vitamin B12 deficiency. So, the picture can become macrocytic anemia, where the formation of red blood cells is altered, compromising the oxygen to reach the cells.


7 – Premature aging


In addition to everything you’ve already seen here, alcohol also destroys collagen fibers in the skin, causing joint problems and decreasing skin fat.

Therefore, these inflammatory processes end up causing you to suffer from premature aging. In fact, aging that happens from the inside out.


8 – Higher chances of developing cancer


Exaggerated intake of alcohol is related to a number of cancers, among them we can mention mouth, esophagus, colon, rectum and much more.

The causes are not yet known, but scholars point out that acetaldehyde, produced by alcohol, may have carcinogenic effects.


9 – Potentiates osteoporosis


Lifelong alcohol consumption disrupts bone health, especially the process related to bone mineralization, thus increasing the chances of you developing osteoporosis.

After all, alcohol interferes with metabolism, compromising the production of vitamin D, which generates the most diverse bone complications.


10 – Diseases of the liver


Finally, one of the negative impacts of alcohol l in health is that it can cause liver disease.

According to some surveys, about 90% of people who continuously drink alcohol tend to suffer from fat accumulation in the liver.

If alcohol continues to be ingested chronically, it can still cause the so-called alcoholic hepatitis.




There are many negative impacts of alcohol on health. Therefore, it is important consuming alcoholic beverages in a moderate way, avoiding it’s intake whenever possible.

Sugar impacts on human brain

Did you know that there are serious sugar impacts on human brain when you consume it in excess? Despite bringing the feeling of pleasure and energy, it is important to be careful with exaggeration.

According to information from the World Health Organization (WHO), the daily consumption of sugar should not exceed 5% of the energy value. This means that the maximum recommended intake is 25 grams.

However, in a single can of soda, for example, there are more than 40 grams of sugar. An amount well above what is advised by the WHO.

But after all, what are these damages that sugar brings when consumed in excess? Below we have listed some of the impacts of sugar on your brain. Follow right now!


Processed sugar and “good” sugar


It is likely that you took various types of sugar and they all turn into glucose. Natural sugar, for example, is commonly found in fruits, beans, and whole grains.

However, although there is sugar in these foods, they are still nutritious, full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and proteins, substances that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Therefore, it is the “good” sugar.

In turn, processed sugar, extracted from sugarcane, is found in the form of sucrose, a mixture of fructose and glucose. Thus, it is present in cereals, cookies, soft drinks and other foods.

In addition, this processed sugar is found in some foods that are not even considered sweet, such as sauces, microwave meals, and others.

Despite turning into glucose and being a source of energy for the body, processed sugar has no nutrients, in addition to being responsible for raising blood sugar levels.

For this reason, to consume too much sugar can generate a number of problems, such as diabetes, weight gain and premature aging.


Sugar impacts your brain


Now that you understand the difference between processed sugar and “good” sugar, it’s time to check out the impacts of sugar on your brain. Follow below!

depression and anxiety

When consumed, sugar alters dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for the sensation of pleasure, which makes your body associate that consumption with something pleasurable and pleasant.

However, soon after, there is a drastic drop in sugar in the body, as its action is very fast, thus generating symptoms such as:

• Mood swings;
• Mental confusion;
• Tiredness;
• Irritation.

Then, the problem is so serious that you start to feel depressed and anxious because of the excessive consumption of sugar.


Impairs memory

In addition to causing anxiety and depression, sugar impairs memory and compromises learning.
A study done at UCLA found that mice that ingested more sugar within a certain period had brain damage. The research proved that the sugar exaggeration harmed the cells.

The reason for this is that the mice developed “insulin resistance”, a pathology that promotes uncontrolled blood sugar levels, which impact the brain.

Therefore, one of the impacts of sugar on your brain generates memory damage and significantly compromises the learning process.


Mood swings


In addition to everything you’ve seen here, several studies show that foods that have a lot of sugar and carbohydrates negatively influence the neurotransmitters responsible for maintaining balanced mood.

The serotonin, which controls mood, moderate sugar intake. However, excessive consumption depletes neurotransmitters.


It’s addicting


Some studies also show that sugar is as addictive as the worse drugs. Therefore, its consumption can often be similar to a drug addiction.

As we mentioned earlier, sugar brings the sensation of pleasure, affecting an area of ​​the brain called the ucleus accumbens.

In a 2013 study, scientists even found that mice reacted to the Oreo cookie the same way they reacted to cocaine.

Also, curiously enough, the mice consumed the cream from the cookie first, just as some humans do too.


Is sugar really bad?


As the brain uses glucose to provide energy for the body, it is essential that it is properly nourished. So, not all sugar is bad.

However, processed sugar does not have good nutritional value or benefits for the body.

This doesn’t mean that you have to cut sweet foods of your daily menu, the ideal is adequate the amount of sugar to a balanced diet.




There are many impacts of sugar on your brain, but the solution is not always to give up this substance. However, it is It is possible to reduce consumption to reduce the chances of problems.

Top 5 most expensive hotels in the world in 2022

Everyone likes to have a good stay when traveling, don’t they? After all, accommodation is part of the travel experience. Have you even thought about staying in one of the 5 most expensive hotels in the world in 2022?

Then, there are lodgings that offer exclusive services, with rooms so comfortable that they generate the desire to live in them. Obviously, they are hotels intended for a high-income public.

In general, they are accommodations that usually receive celebrities, millionaires and people who are part of high government power, such as presidents, ministers and others.

However, if you are curious to know the 5 most expensive hotels in the world in 2022, we have prepared this list with the top 5. Check it out!

1 – Most expensive hotels – Palms Casino Resort


The most expensive hotel in the world is the Palms Casino Resort, which is located in the city of Las Vegas. The suite is almost 840 m² and has two amazing master bedrooms.

That’s because, the accommodation has a whirlpool bath overlooking the city and the furniture is exclusive, in a totally refined environment. Just to give you an idea, the Palms Casino Resort is so luxurious that in it you will find original works by artist Damien Hirst. According to the hotel, the minimum stay must be two days and it costs US$ 200,000.

However, it is not enough to have money to stay at the Palms Casino Resort, it is necessary to register and it is up to the hotel to decide whether or not you can make your reservation.

2 – Hotel President Wilson


5 most expensive hotels
The Hotel President Wilson is located in Geneva and is on the list of the most expensive hotels in the world in 2022. Named in honor of Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, for his commitment to establishing the League of Nations. The most exclusive room has a Steinway piano, pool table and wine glasses.

In addition, guests can enjoy a dedicated butler to have their every need taken care of. Not to mention the view of Lake Geneva that the hotel offers.

In each room there are two dining rooms, two terraces and a private elevator. So there’s plenty of space to enjoy and relax while waiting for the tickets to arrive.

So, speaking of value, the most expensive Hotel President Wilson room is $81,000.

3 – InterContinental


The InterContinental is also one of the most expensive hotels in the world and it is located in Geneva, very close to the United Nations. Therefore, it is a lodging that receives many people linked to the government.

Soon, diplomats from all over the world tend to frequent the rooms of this hotel. The most important is The Residence suite, a very luxurious and exclusive room, located on the top floor of the hotel.

This means that guests get a view of Geneva’s mountains and lakes.
The InterContinental looks like a palace. A real luxury. Curious to know the price of accommodation there? It’s €59,000.

4 – The Mark

The Mark is one of the most expensive hotels in the world as of 2022 which is located in New York. Known for being one of the favorite lodgings of millionaires and celebrities.

Thus, the most expensive room in the hotel is called the Grand Penthouse and in it you will find four bedrooms, six bathrooms, as well as a terrace that guarantees an impressive view of Central Park.

However, accommodation is very expensive at The Mark, about US$ 75,000 just for one night.

5 – Grand Hyatt Cannes Hotel Martinez

The Grand Hyatt Cannes Hotel Martinez ranks last on the list of the most expensive hotels in the world in 2022 and it is located in Cannes, France. Therefore, the hotel already has a privileged location, as Cannes is one of the favorite places for celebrities.

5 most expensive hotels
For that reason, during the Cannes festival, many celebrities stay at the Grand Hyatt Cannes Hotel Martinez, which is highly luxurious, elegant and sophisticated.

For starters, the rooms are huge, over 1,120 m², practically a house. After all, each accommodation has four bedrooms, a dining room and work space.

In this way, you have a highly exclusive space, where you can have a unique view of the bay of Cannes.
However, it is obvious that this all comes at a very high price: to stay at the Grand Hyatt Cannes Hotel Martinez you need to pay US$ 50,000.


You can tell that the 5 most expensive hotels in the world in 2022 are not for everyone, right? They are luxurious accommodations, which cater to an exclusive audience that is far from the reality of many people.