Most visited places in the world in 2022

There are some most visited places in the world of 2022 that always welcome travelers throughout the year and end up becoming that must-see for tourists.

After all, they are places that have become famous, whether for aesthetic, cultural or historical reasons, which is why they attract thousands of people from all over the world, moving the economy of the place where they are located.

So, how about knowing the most visited places in the world of 2022? Here we have made a selection with the main ones. Follow below!

Chichen Itza – Mexico

Chichén Itzá is one of the new wonders of the world and is located in Mexico. It is a complex of Mayan ruins and has a huge pyramid, called El Castillo. That’s why it’s so important to the story.

Most visited places in the world in 2022

Each year, the Chichén Itzá archaeological site receives more than 1.3 million visits. It is a tourist spot to be visited with a guide, this will make you understand how the cities worked, curiosities and other details.

Colosseum – Italy

The Colosseum is one of the 7 wonders of the modern world and it is also one of the most visited places in the world as of 2022. So anyone visiting Italy, especially Rome, usually stops by.

Also called the Flavian Amphitheater, the Colosseum was created to host gladiatorial duels. In addition, it is considered the largest amphitheater in the world and only a few important artists have performed there, such as Paul McCartney and Elton John, for example.

Great Wall of China – China

Anyone who likes history needs to visit the Great Wall of China, one of the most culturally rich tourist attractions in the world. It is located in China and was built in 220 BC. In total, it is about 8,850 km long.

An interesting curiosity about the Great Wall of China is that it is the only human work that can be seen from space. So this already shows that its extension is really huge.

Eiffel Tower – France

It is impossible to talk about the most visited places in the world in 2022 without mentioning the Eiffel Tower, which receives more than 4.6 million visitors a year.

Located on the Champ de Mars, the Eiffel Tower was inaugurated in 1889. With a height of 324 m, it has more than 7,200 tons of iron. In addition, it was born as a celebration of 100 years of the French Revolution.

Christ the Redeemer – Brazil

Many Brazilians do not know, but Christ the Redeemer is also one of the most visited places in the world and more than 30% of visitors are foreigners.

So, it is a monument 30 m high, 28 m from one hand to the other and weighing about 1,140 tons. The monument is in Rio de Janeiro, on Corcovado, 710 meters above sea level. Therefore, from there you have a privileged view of the city.

Angkor Wat – Cambodia

Angkor Wat also receives many visits a year, this is because it is considered the largest religious structure built. It has even been a UNESCO heritage site since 1992 due to its relevance to history.

Most visited places in the world in 2022
Located in Cambodia, Angkor Wat is in the middle of a lake, protected by several walls. However, it is possible to access the inner part of the temple.

Sheikh Zayed Mosque – United Arab Emirates

The Sheikh Zayed Mosque is also one of the most visited places in the world in 2022. It covers more than 22,000 m², with huge halls that house the largest carpet in the world, weighing more than 30 tons.

Best of all, admission to the Sheikh Zayed Mosque is free. However, it is essential to pay attention to the clothes, as there are a number of restrictions. Women, for example, need to cover arms, head and legs. Men, on the other hand, must be dressed in long pants.

Peter’s Basilica – Vatican State

Religious tourism always moves many people and one of the most visited places in the world is St. Peter’s Basilica. After all, it is the most important religious building.

So, there are several monuments there, such as the dome created by Michelangelo and the bronze canopy. In addition, St. Peter’s Basilica has more than 23,000 m² and is capable of receiving 60,000 people.

Times Square – United States

To finish off our list of the most visited places in the world for 2022, Times Square is also worth mentioning. Formed by two avenues, Seventh Avenue and Broadway, it is located in Manhattan.

Most visited places in the world in 2022
In fact, a very interesting curiosity about Times Square is that it is so bright that astronauts can identify it in space. In addition, the energy used to light the signs there is capable of providing lighting for more than one million inhabitants.


Now you know which are the most visited places in the world in 2022. So, just prepare your trip to discover these incredible destinations, full of history, culture and a lot of beauty.

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