See the main typical foods of the northeast of Brazil

When you arrive in northeastern Brazilian lands, you will find surprising landscapes, a lot of history, a latent culture and, of course, a gastronomy that no one can fault. That’s because, the typical foods from the northeast of Brazil are incredible!

Therefore, if you are interested in gastronomic experiences, there is no doubt that the taste of northeastern gastronomy will positively surprise you.

That said, let us know that here we have made a very special selection of the main typical foods from the northeast of Brazil. Follow next!

“Baião de dois”


baião de dois

Baião de dois is a dish that mixes rice and beans. It is a typical dish of Ceará cuisine, but it is also well known in other regions of the northeast.

Then, in it, rice is cooked with string beans and seasonings are added, such as tomatoes, peppers, chives and others.

However, to make it even tastier, the baião de dois also includes pork rinds, pieces of curd cheese and sausage. By itself it is a complete dish, which does not even need a side dish.



typical northeast Brazilian foods
In most of the northeastern states, the day only begins after eating a good tapioca, also called “beiju”.

However, it is also enjoyed as a dessert and even as an afternoon snack.

Northeast tapioca is made with cassava starch and it is possible to consume it without filling or with filling.

The most traditional is tapioca with coconut and coalho cheese.

In addition to being delicious, tapioca is one of the typical foods of northeastern Brazil, nominated as Intangible Heritage and Culture of the City since 2006 by the Council for the Preservation of the Historic Site of Olinda.



The Northeast region is well known for its beaches and rivers. Therefore, it is natural that there are many typical dishes that have seafood as main ingredients.

So, one of them is exactly the moqueca, made with fish fillet, palm oil, coriander and coconut milk.

However, this delight can also be made with other ingredients, such as oyster, shrimp and even crab. In some restaurants, you can find fish and shrimp moqueca, for example.

To enjoy the moqueca, it is very common for it to have some very special accompaniments, such as white rice, mush and the typically northeastern farofa.

Maria Isabel


typical northeast Brazilian foods
Maria Isabel is one of the delicious foods typical of northeastern Brazil, very common in Piauí. However, you can find this dish in other states as well, such as Ceará, Maranhão and Rio Grande do Norte.

So, the recipe for this dish has the following ingredients as protagonists: dried meat and rice!

According to legend, in the past, Northeastern men could only consume dried meat. However, a mother, who did not have enough meat to feed her son, made a mixture of dried meat and rice.

From there, the so-called Maria Isabel was born, which, according to legend, takes its name in honor of the woman who created the dish.



Sarapatel is a controversial dish of northeastern food, as there are those who love it and there are those who prefer not to consume it. Incidentally, many people do not even have the courage to try this delicacy.

So, the reason for this is simple: the sarapatel is made with the viscera of the goat. Also, the meat is cooked with the animal’s blood. So it really is “8 or 80”.

Therefore, it is a very strong recipe and with a flavor unlike anything you have ever consumed. Despite that, it’s worth a try.

To complement, sarapatel is usually served with flour and pepper. It goes very well with white rice too!



typical northeast Brazilian foods

One of the best known typical foods from the northeast of Brazil is Acarajé. However, not everyone knows exactly what he is about.

In general, the acarajé dough is made with black-eyed peas and fried in palm oil. The food is a delicious delicacy of Afro-Brazilian cuisine.

To accompany the acarajé, the following are served:

  • Dried shrimp;
  • Vatapd;
  • Raw salad
  • Pepper.

In addition, acarajé has a whole presentation too, being served on a tray, especially when it is purchased at the famous acarajé stalls in Salvador, Bahia.



Another typical food from the Northeast, also from Bahia, is the famous Vatapá. It is made with a series of ingredients, but the main ones are shrimp, palm oil and breadcrumbs.

It is usually served with white rice, but it also accompanies other typical foods from the northeast of Brazil, such as acarajé, which we mentioned earlier.

By the way, like acarajé, vatapá is a food with African origin and is therefore popular in other regions of Brazil, such as Amapá, Pará and Amazonas.



typical northeast Brazilian foods

We could not fail to mention the famous northeastern couscous, which is totally different from the couscous that is prepared in São Paulo.

So, this delicacy is very present in the food routine of the population of the northeast, as it is often consumed for breakfast. Some people even enjoy couscous as their main meal of the day.

And It is made with corn flour, seasoned with salt and steamed in the famous couscous dishes. To make it even tastier, you can add grated cheese to the couscous, which melts into the pasta when served.

However, it is a very versatile dish, which can be made with other additions as well, such as dried meat, bacon and eggs.

Without a doubt, couscous is one of the best typical foods from the northeast of Brazil and worth trying.


Here you will get to know some of the main typical foods from the northeast of Brazil. These are dishes that you can find in various northeastern regions and that are usually present on restaurant menus.

So, if you are traveling through the Northeast, be sure to try these delights. They are part of the country’s culture, in addition to providing a unique flavor for your palate.

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