How to lose weight with health in 2023?

How to lose weight healthily in 2023? It’s important that you change a series of habits, especially with regard to the way you eat.

This doesn’t mean giving up eating foods you like, but if you seek moderation weight loss happens in a healthy way.

After all, balance is important in the weight loss process, so no need to follow restrictive diets or “miraculous” medicines.

So to help, we’ve separated some weight loss tips that really work. See below!


Practice physical activities


To begin with, the first tip to follow for healthy weight loss in 2023 is to practice physical activity.
Exercise helps burn fat, accelerating metabolism and bringing a number of other advantages, such as strengthening bones and reducing stress.

If you are a sedentary person, the tip is to start with little: a physical activity of 30 minutes to 1 hour, 3 or 4 times a week, for example.

That’s because, you have to wait for the body to get used to it and that only happens when practice becomes part of your routine. So, it’s no use starting with all the gas and then giving up. In addition, you can make some changes to your routine to exercise your body more, such as:

• Stop using the elevator and use the stairs instead;
• Take your dog for a walk;
• Get off two stops before work and complete the route on foot.


Reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates


Normally, when talking about a weight loss diet, it is normal for people to be concerned only with counting calories, but this is not the only point to be aware of. So, more than just ingesting the proper amount of calories, you also need to maintain the indicated intake of other nutrients.

Therefore, within this scenario, the most difficult thing tends to be reducing refined carbohydrates, which are found in most foods, but which lack important vitamins and minerals. They are easily absorbed by the body, which makes you feel hungry shortly after consumption, thus leading to eating more and more carbohydrates.

Therefore, the recommendation is to reduce their intake, such as bread, cookies, soft drinks and other foods rich in simple carbohydrates.

On the other hand, the consumption of complex carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes, lentils and others, should be increased.


Split the meals


Another important tip for healthy weight loss in 2023 is to split your meals, that is, eat less and more often during the day.

According to experts, the ideal is to have seven meals a day:

• Breakfast;
• Morning snack;
• Lunch;
• Afternoon snack;
• Dinner;
• Supper.

In this way, you can reduce hunger, which refers to the amount of sugar that reaches the blood. However, the idea of ​​splitting meals is to eat in smaller quantities, in addition to carefully selecting what will be consumed.

Consume more fiber


One of the reasons that leads to obesity is exactly the lack of fiber in the diet of most people. Including, people have ingested less than is recommended.

Therefore, it is natural that a gain in people increased in the recent years, which is worrying when talking about a healthy society. So, the advice is to consume about 30 grams of fiber per day, according to the American Heart Association.

That way, you can reduce hunger, as fibers are responsible for keeping satiety longer, avoiding to consume empty calories.


Sleep well


Changing bedtime habits also make a difference to losing weight. The indication by scientists is that the night’s sleep has 7 to 8 hours so that you can be healthy.

Otherwise, you are likely to suffer from a range of problems, from depression, anxiety to weight gain.

This is because sleep regulates a number of hormones, including cortisol, the stress hormone, which considerably increases appetite.

It’s very likely when you don’t get enough sleep you tend to feel more hungry, haven’t you? Yeah, it’s cortisol acting!

Therefore, start sleeping early and regulate your 8 hours of sleep to lose weight in a healthy way in 2023.




These are the main guidelines to follow to lose weight in 2022. So, it’s up to you now to follow each one of them to lose weight.

Also, if necessary, don’t forget to consult a nutritionist so that fat burning happens more satisfactorily. So a well-planned program and menu should be set up:

  • Set your dietary limits and make a note of them;
  • Determine how much time you have to prepare meals;
  • Select meals for every day;
  • Prepare the weekly menu;
  • Buy something;
  • Create a routine;
  • To make the procedure simpler, give it a day;
  • Be sure to tidy your pantry.

Tell us about your experiences in the comments.

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