How to have fun with your puppy

Dogs have a lot of energy and so that furniture doesn’t end up with your house and other objects, it’s important that this energy is spent correctly. Therefore, many tutors are looking for ways to have fun with their puppy!

So, there are several games that can be played in your house or apartment, which are fun and help to strengthen your relationship with your pet. After all, quality time is very important for dogs.

Therefore, to help you with this task of how to have fun with your puppy, here are some ideas for games that these animals love. See below!

The importance of having fun with your puppy

In addition to being a way to strengthen the bonds between you and your pet, the games you play with your puppy are also a way to keep him healthy and happy.

That’s because dogs have a lot of energy and that energy needs to be channeled in some positive way. Otherwise, the dog may show negative behaviors, such as destroying the sofa, slippers and even showing a certain aggression.

That way, those tutors who have a small space at home or who don’t have much time to walk their pet need to look for ideas to have fun with their puppy.

This is a very simple way to show attention to the dog, making him feel loved and anxious, even negative feelings that can arise in the animal, such as anxiety and depression, for example.

How to have fun with your puppy? Knowing the importance of keeping the dog active, here are some games you can do to have fun with your best friend. The ideas are simple and easy to implement. Check out!

Hide his Toys


It is essential that animals have toys, so they can channel some of their energy into these objects and thus lead a healthier life.

So most puppies have their favorite toys. So, one way to have fun with your pet is to use this to your advantage: hide his favorite toy.

In this way, you will stimulate your dog’s intelligence, making him look for his favorite toy, in addition to keeping him busy for a good few minutes.

However, to make the game more fun, the tip is to hide the toy in places that are not so clear, but that are within reach of the animal, of course!

Play with the ball


have fun with puppy

One of the ways to have fun with your puppy is to play ball, as it is an activity that does not require so much effort and that pets tend to love.

So, if you have a hallway in your house or apartment, it’s really worth inviting your dog to this game, just stay at one end of the hallway and throw the ball.

Without a doubt he will run towards it with all the energy possible, jumping and having a great time. However, do not forget to use a suitable ball, which fits the opening of the dog’s mouth, so he will be able to grab it with his teeth.

In addition, another tip to make the game of throwing the ball even more fun is to pretend that you are going to throw the object and not to, or even to throw the ball in different places and distances. With this, you stimulate the animal’s senses.

Hide and seek


Don’t think that hide and seek is a game that only children love, this is also an idea of ​​how to have fun with your puppy that works very well, being a way to train your pet’s hunting ability.

After all, hide-and-seek is able to stimulate memory, as well as the dog’s intelligence, making him plan in which possible environments in the house his owner is, until he finds him.

So, play hide and seek with the dog and whenever he finds you, don’t forget to congratulate him. You can do this with positive words like “good boy” or with that treat your pet loves.

However, pay attention to the signs your dog shows. If he feels scared or bothered by his absence, immediately stop a game of hide and seek.

Obstacle course


have fun with puppy

You can still have fun with your puppy by creating an obstacle course for him to show off all his skills. Including, this is a joke that pets love and that doesn’t require such a large space to be carried out.

In this case, all you’ll need are basic, easy-to-find objects like rubber bands and hula hoops. You can improvise with cups and other items you have at home too.

Then, encourage your dog to jump over the obstacles that were created and reward his effort with affection or a treat.

This is an excellent alternative for how to have fun with your puppy, as it helps the dog to expend energy, even relieving stress. That’s because jumping the obstacles requires not only physical effort, but also an effort of the mind.



have fun with puppy
Jumping is a joke Look for a toy that your puppy likes and show it to him, inviting him to pick it up.

So, keep your arm a little outstretched, so that the dog can only grab the toy if he jumps. At first, he may be a little confused, but as dogs are smart, he will quickly understand your goal.

To encourage the animal to continue playing and having fun, thus spending all its energy, always offer snacks and a reward so that it associates that moment with something pleasurable.


Above you saw some tips and ideas on how to have fun with your puppy. Playing with the pet is a way to promote its well-being, avoiding stress and negative behavior.

So, set aside time to dedicate yourself to it. In addition to strengthening your relationship, it is certainly a great way for you to create positive memories with your friend.

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