10 incredible facts about giraffes

In addition to being tall, fluffy and elegant, there are several incredible facts about giraffes that surprise, although they are still little studied scientifically.

However, it is known that giraffes are charming, it is not for nothing that it is one of the most popular animals in zoos in Brazil and there are only 17 of them in the country.

So, if you’ve always wanted to know a little more about giraffes, today we’ve separated 10 very interesting facts that many people don’t know about them. Check it out right now!

1 – They can reach more than 5 meters in height

It is not easy to increase the height of giraffes, but many researchers claim that they can reach up to 5.5 meters in height. The largest giraffe ever recorded is over 6 meters.

So it’s a bigger animal than a two-story house. The giraffe’s neck, for example, can reach almost 2 meters. However, height depends on several factors, from the type of species to sex, males are even usually larger than females, for example.

2 – Males get dark over time

During years of analyzing giraffes, scientists discovered that males’ spots darken over time, especially as they mature.

According to studies, this happens because of the high level of testosterone. Including, the colors of giraffes allow scholars to identify the sex and even the age of the animal.

3 – Giraffes rest too little

One of the amazing facts about giraffes is that they rest little. A day, they only sleep from 5 to 30 minutes, which is surprising when analyzing their size, isn’t it?

However, there is no plausible explanation for this. Some say this is a way to expose itself less to predators, while other scientists believe that the resting position makes the giraffe more vulnerable.

Just to give you an idea, the time for this animal to get up is usually about 15 seconds. Ah, another curiosity here: this is why giraffes sleep standing up.

4 – The gestation of the giraffe is long

Giraffe gestation is quite long, usually 15 months, that is, 1 year and 3 months. The animal usually gives birth to only one cub during its entire life.

In addition, during childbirth, giraffes do not lie down, as a result of which the calf falls from a height of about 2 meters. Incidentally, this puppy is born already 1.5 meters tall.

5 – Has the strongest kick in the animal world

The giraffe has the strongest kick in the animal world, capable of reaching 55 km per hour, capable of taking a lion to death. It is worth mentioning that the giraffe has as predators crocodiles, lions and even man himself.

However, like any animal, it also tends to attack when it feels threatened. So, it is at this moment that she uses her paw to ward off the predator.

6 – The giraffe’s heart is 43 times larger than the human heart

In addition to all the amazing facts about giraffes that you’ve seen here, it’s also interesting to mention that these animals have a heart 43 times bigger than a human’s heart.

The reason for this is scientifically explained: the giraffe’s head is more than two meters from the heart. So, for the blood to rise to the head, the heart needs to be big and strong: 11kg;
60 cm long;
8 cm thick.

7 – A giraffe’s tongue is incredibly long and strong

A giraffe’s tongue is incredibly long: from 45 cm to 50 cm. This feature allows these animals to be able to pick flowers from trees more easily.

Now, males consume more than 60 kg of food per day and spend most of their time feeding, about 20 days a day. Therefore, the giraffe’s tongue is dark, so it is possible to avoid sunburn.

8 – They can run very fast

One of the amazing facts about giraffes is also that they can run fast, although for much of the day they live at a slower, more relaxed pace, with speeds of up to 15 km/h.

However, if a threat arises, they can run up to 60 km/h. However, I quickly run out of air too and need to take a break soon. After all, the long neck makes longer runs difficult.

9 – Giraffes live in groups

They live in groups, usually up to 20 individuals. With this, they manage to remain vigilant more easily and effectively, thus protecting themselves from predators.

Ah, they have an excellent vision to identify predators and escape in time. The eyes are positioned laterally, increasing the field of vision. So when a giraffe sees a threat, it looks in the direction of the predator and the rest of the herd knows it’s time to flee.

10 – They can be extinguished

Finally, one of the amazing and sad facts about giraffes is that they can become extinct. According to a survey by the Conservation Foundation, which works to preserve these animals, there are now just over 117,170 giraffes in the na na nanature, which are distributed in the African continent.

However, due to illegal hunting and the destruction of their natural habitat, in recent years there has been a noticeable decline in giraffes. Thus, they are threatened with extinction.


These are some of the amazing facts about giraffes and as you’ve seen, they really are peculiar and amazing beings. Surely now you will look at these animals with different eyes.

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