There are many benefits associated with sun exposure. Therefore, experts indicate that people sunbathe for at least 20 minutes every day.
So, the indication is that this sun exposure happens without filters, in the early morning and also in the late afternoon. This in itself will bring a number of advantages.
So, to make it clearer how important this exposure to the sun is for health, we have separated 9 benefits here. Follow right now!
1 – Helps in the production of vitamin D
We are aware that exposure to the sun aids in the production of vitamin D, but why is it so crucial to our health? First of all, because it helps to enhance the amount of calcium in the body, this mineral is crucial for the health of bones and joints.
Vitamin D production is one of the main advantages of sun exposure. This vitamin plays an important role in bone health, as it is responsible for helping with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
For this reason, low levels of vitamin D are linked to rickets in children and a number of diseases that affect the bones.
2 – Relieves depression
According to the scientific website of Medicina Healthline, sun exposure is still responsible for increasing serotonin levels, a hormone that is related to mood improvement.
Thus, exposing yourself to the sun properly is essential to combat and alleviate the symptoms of depression. Therefore, many psychologists and psychiatrists indicate this practice for patients.
3 – Balances blood pressure
A study carried out in England also showed that one of the benefits associated with sun exposure is blood pressure balance.
Additionally, the body has to work harder to maintain the same temperature after being exposed to the sun, which alters the metabolism and heart rate. Even if the person has not exerted any effort while on the beach, this hidden labor of the organs ultimately results in fatigue and sleep.
According to research, the simple act of taking a little sun daily is able to promote the dilation of blood vessels. Therefore, this is the effect that lowers blood pressure and significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
4 – Longevity
The benefits don’t end there, sunbathing is also related to longevity. That’s what a survey done by the Journal of Internal Medicine says.
The study followed 30,000 people for 20 years and came to the conclusion that those who spent more time in the sun lived from 6 months to 2 years longer than other people who had less sun exposure.
5 – Reduces cancer
By increasing vitamin D in the body, sun exposure also reduces cancer. So says the Division of Health and Medicine of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
While strong activity in this pathway results in anticancer effects, low vitamin D activity is linked to an increased risk of cancer and more rapid tumor development.
In addition, exposing yourself to the sun properly reduces the risk of mortality associated with a number of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, for example.
Therefore, including sunbathing in your routine is important and ensures more quality of life.
6 – Strengthens the immune system
So, again because it is a source of vitamin D, one of the advantages of sun exposure is strengthening the immune system.
In addition, the sun still stimulates the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), responsible for increasing white blood cells that are responsible for strengthening immunity and fighting infections.
7 – Increases eye health
Continuing with the benefits associated with sun exposure, we can also mention increased eye health. That’s because, the sun helps to improve vision and prevents a number of diseases, such as macular degeneration, for example.

A macro photography of a beautiful blue-green eye of a woman with wing eyeliner
However, to enjoy this advantage it is important to avoid looking directly at the sun, as this practice puts your health at risk.
8 – Helps with weight control
In addition to everything you’ve seen here, some studies have even shown that sun exposure is able to help with weight control. That’s because vitamin D is related to serotonin production.
Serotonin, a neurotransmitter and one of the primary hormones of pleasure, functions primarily in the central nervous system (CNS), facilitating contact between nerve cells. It is also present in the gastrointestinal tract and blood platelets.
So, this hormone, in turn, is a hormone responsible for performing a series of functions, including combating disorders related to appetite and satiety.
9 – Reduces the risk of premature menopause
Finally, one of the benefits associated with sun exposure is the reduction of early menopause, according to a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Therefore, it is worth mentioning that early menopause occurs before the age of 45 and it brings a series of risks, such as the development of infertility and heart problems.
There are many benefits associated with sun exposure. Therefore, it is very important that you include the habit of sunbathing in your routine, even for 15 minutes.
Our mood is closely correlated with sun exposure, which also supports mental wellness. The creation of serotonin, a hormone known to elevate mood and support attention, among many other advantages, is increased throughout the day by sunshine.
As previously mentioned, the best time is in the morning, early in the morning, and in the late afternoon.