Cats have always been interesting to humans. The Egypt people were so curious in this animal that they built statues to it.
In honor of World Cat Day on February 17, here are 10 interesting things you probably didn’t know about cats:
1. Cats scratch because it’s part of their nature.
Also, the cat may be showing where its territory is by doing this. When a cat scratches something, it not only leaves a scent behind, but it also shows that this is its territory.
Because they are territorial, cats act the way they do. A cat may leave a mark that can be seen or smelled to let other cats and maybe even us humans know that he has been there.

Grey cat lying and looking up side view on plaster and white background
2.The brain of a cat looks more with a person’s brain than of a dog’s.
The part of the brain that controls how people and cats feel is the same in both species. Its genome is also the same as the human genome by 73 percent and the dog genome by 80 percent.
Also, humans and cats both have an emotional brain area that is the same.
3. Each cat has a different nose.
Like people, cats have unique fingerprints that make them stand out from other animals. On the other hand, cats’ noses, not their fingers, have patterns.
When the cat’s nose is fashioned like an inverted “V,” there are cat breeds with flat noses as well. The Persian, Himalayan, and exotic cat breeds are examples of this. Long, curving snouts are characteristic of breeds like the Burmese cat and Maine Coon.
4. A cat can jump up five times its tall.
It looks like our cats’ paws do really have springs in them. A Japanese cat set the record for the highest jump. He made the highest jump ever, which was 1.96 meters.
Cats often have little trouble jumping up to 2 meters in height. The cat may use this to climb to the top of shelves or cabinets. The most athletic leaping animals may, however, jump eight feet or even higher!
5. Cats don’t try to feed their owners
Even though a lot of cat owners think so, cats don’t bring home dead animals for their people to eat. Cats just want to hunt because it’s in their nature to do so, and they want to eat what they catch.
But most of our cats don’t want to eat the dead animal because they are used to it and prefer the food their owners give them. They instead give up on their goal.
6. Cats don’t show how they feel.
You can’t put your faith in cats. They don’t need or usually use strong emotions to make their point. They are just like that because they want to hunt, which makes them want to hide how they feel.
Because of this, a lot of people think these pets are self-centered and care more about their homes than they do about their owners. That isn’t true. Cats are good pets and friends. Just in different ways, they show how much they love each other.
When a cat likes someone, it will often raise its tail toward them and rub up against their legs. He does this, among other things, to show other cats how much he loves and cares for them.
7. A cat can make lots of sounds
Did you assume these were just meows? The following 11 sounds are made by cats:
Regular cat meowing, cat purring, chirping or trilling, cat snorting, grunting, wheezing or howling in distress, puppy meowing (help signal); There are screams and howls, as well as the clucking and murmuring of cats.
Cats can make sounds in more than 100 ways, just purr and meow in so many different ways to ask for things: food, water or comfort when they’re scared.
8. Cats can see better than people
Cats can see more around them than people can, and they can also see more when there is more space between things.. It’s even worse because cats can’t see as many colors as people can.
In contrast to humans, who see at an angle of 180°, cats perceive at a 200° angle. This trait, which is a holdover from the carnivorous past of cats, is nevertheless quite helpful when our companions assault their preferred toys.
9. Cats usually land on their feet
The idea that when cats fall, they always land on their feet is very old. It goes back to the 18th century, when a French scientist named Antoine Parent tried to use the new theory of gravity to explain why cats always seem to land on their feet.
According to newer ideas, this is because a cat’s body is made so that it can survive falls from very high places. Kittens land on their feet because their spines move in a way that is precise to the millimeter.
Experts determine that this strategy relies greatly on the animals’ intelligence and senses, such as proprioception (the ability to know where your body is in space)
Cats usually land on their feet when they fall, but falls can still hurt them. This could happen if the cat steps in the wrong place and hits the person on the chin, or if the cat is too tall.
Because of how their bodies work, cats can fall from up to 7 meters without hurting themselves too much. Getting hurt is more likely if the animal is above that height.
If you fall over 7 meters, you are likely to get hurt, but it is less likely that you will die. To avoid this kind of disaster, people who live on higher floors should carefully screen their apartment windows.
Getting down to aid a cat who has fallen out of a window is a top priority if you reside on a high floor. If your acquaintance died as a result of their injuries, the chances of their survival are slimmer than if they survived but were seriously injured.
After an emergency trip to the vet, your pet is more likely to get better if you act quickly.

The gold Bengal Cat on white background at studio
10.The cat has not died seven times.
The idea that a pet has seven lives probably comes from its skills, intelligence, and body. We’ve already seen that cats can jump pretty high and fall from very high places without getting hurt much.
Cats have a limited amount of time to live, just like everything else. The life of a person can be long or short. Everything depends on whether he has a place to live, is safe, eats modern food, and gets good medical care.
So, you should always take your cat to the vet for regular checkups and if you notice any strange signs or symptoms.
Meet the experts at Clinivet who have been caring for your best friend’s health for more than 30 years, and put your trust in them.