Category Archives: Well-being

Discover 9 benefits associated with sun exposure

There are many benefits associated with sun exposure. Therefore, experts indicate that people sunbathe for at least 20 minutes every day.

So, the indication is that this sun exposure happens without filters, in the early morning and also in the late afternoon. This in itself will bring a number of advantages.

So, to make it clearer how important this exposure to the sun is for health, we have separated 9 benefits here. Follow right now!

1 – Helps in the production of vitamin D

We are aware that exposure to the sun aids in the production of vitamin D, but why is it so crucial to our health? First of all, because it helps to enhance the amount of calcium in the body, this mineral is crucial for the health of bones and joints.

Vitamin D production is one of the main advantages of sun exposure. This vitamin plays an important role in bone health, as it is responsible for helping with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

For this reason, low levels of vitamin D are linked to rickets in children and a number of diseases that affect the bones.

2 – Relieves depression

According to the scientific website of Medicina Healthline, sun exposure is still responsible for increasing serotonin levels, a hormone that is related to mood improvement.

Thus, exposing yourself to the sun properly is essential to combat and alleviate the symptoms of depression. Therefore, many psychologists and psychiatrists indicate this practice for patients.

3 – Balances blood pressure

A study carried out in England also showed that one of the benefits associated with sun exposure is blood pressure balance.

Additionally, the body has to work harder to maintain the same temperature after being exposed to the sun, which alters the metabolism and heart rate. Even if the person has not exerted any effort while on the beach, this hidden labor of the organs ultimately results in fatigue and sleep.

According to research, the simple act of taking a little sun daily is able to promote the dilation of blood vessels. Therefore, this is the effect that lowers blood pressure and significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4 – Longevity

The benefits don’t end there, sunbathing is also related to longevity. That’s what a survey done by the Journal of Internal Medicine says.

sun exposure

The study followed 30,000 people for 20 years and came to the conclusion that those who spent more time in the sun lived from 6 months to 2 years longer than other people who had less sun exposure.

5 – Reduces cancer

By increasing vitamin D in the body, sun exposure also reduces cancer. So says the Division of Health and Medicine of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

While strong activity in this pathway results in anticancer effects, low vitamin D activity is linked to an increased risk of cancer and more rapid tumor development.

In addition, exposing yourself to the sun properly reduces the risk of mortality associated with a number of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, for example.

Therefore, including sunbathing in your routine is important and ensures more quality of life.

6 – Strengthens the immune system

So, again because it is a source of vitamin D, one of the advantages of sun exposure is strengthening the immune system.

In addition, the sun still stimulates the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), responsible for increasing white blood cells that are responsible for strengthening immunity and fighting infections.

7 – Increases eye health

Continuing with the benefits associated with sun exposure, we can also mention increased eye health. That’s because, the sun helps to improve vision and prevents a number of diseases, such as macular degeneration, for example.

A macro photography of a beautiful blue-green eye of a woman with wing eyeliner

However, to enjoy this advantage it is important to avoid looking directly at the sun, as this practice puts your health at risk.

8 – Helps with weight control

In addition to everything you’ve seen here, some studies have even shown that sun exposure is able to help with weight control. That’s because vitamin D is related to serotonin production.

Serotonin, a neurotransmitter and one of the primary hormones of pleasure, functions primarily in the central nervous system (CNS), facilitating contact between nerve cells. It is also present in the gastrointestinal tract and blood platelets.

So, this hormone, in turn, is a hormone responsible for performing a series of functions, including combating disorders related to appetite and satiety.

9 – Reduces the risk of premature menopause

Finally, one of the benefits associated with sun exposure is the reduction of early menopause, according to a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

benefits with sun exposure

Therefore, it is worth mentioning that early menopause occurs before the age of 45 and it brings a series of risks, such as the development of infertility and heart problems.


There are many benefits associated with sun exposure. Therefore, it is very important that you include the habit of sunbathing in your routine, even for 15 minutes.

Our mood is closely correlated with sun exposure, which also supports mental wellness. The creation of serotonin, a hormone known to elevate mood and support attention, among many other advantages, is increased throughout the day by sunshine.

As previously mentioned, the best time is in the morning, early in the morning, and in the late afternoon.

How to lose weight with health in 2023?

How to lose weight healthily in 2023? It’s important that you change a series of habits, especially with regard to the way you eat.

This doesn’t mean giving up eating foods you like, but if you seek moderation weight loss happens in a healthy way.

After all, balance is important in the weight loss process, so no need to follow restrictive diets or “miraculous” medicines.

So to help, we’ve separated some weight loss tips that really work. See below!


Practice physical activities


To begin with, the first tip to follow for healthy weight loss in 2023 is to practice physical activity.
Exercise helps burn fat, accelerating metabolism and bringing a number of other advantages, such as strengthening bones and reducing stress.

If you are a sedentary person, the tip is to start with little: a physical activity of 30 minutes to 1 hour, 3 or 4 times a week, for example.

That’s because, you have to wait for the body to get used to it and that only happens when practice becomes part of your routine. So, it’s no use starting with all the gas and then giving up. In addition, you can make some changes to your routine to exercise your body more, such as:

• Stop using the elevator and use the stairs instead;
• Take your dog for a walk;
• Get off two stops before work and complete the route on foot.


Reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates


Normally, when talking about a weight loss diet, it is normal for people to be concerned only with counting calories, but this is not the only point to be aware of. So, more than just ingesting the proper amount of calories, you also need to maintain the indicated intake of other nutrients.

Therefore, within this scenario, the most difficult thing tends to be reducing refined carbohydrates, which are found in most foods, but which lack important vitamins and minerals. They are easily absorbed by the body, which makes you feel hungry shortly after consumption, thus leading to eating more and more carbohydrates.

Therefore, the recommendation is to reduce their intake, such as bread, cookies, soft drinks and other foods rich in simple carbohydrates.

On the other hand, the consumption of complex carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes, lentils and others, should be increased.


Split the meals


Another important tip for healthy weight loss in 2023 is to split your meals, that is, eat less and more often during the day.

According to experts, the ideal is to have seven meals a day:

• Breakfast;
• Morning snack;
• Lunch;
• Afternoon snack;
• Dinner;
• Supper.

In this way, you can reduce hunger, which refers to the amount of sugar that reaches the blood. However, the idea of ​​splitting meals is to eat in smaller quantities, in addition to carefully selecting what will be consumed.

Consume more fiber


One of the reasons that leads to obesity is exactly the lack of fiber in the diet of most people. Including, people have ingested less than is recommended.

Therefore, it is natural that a gain in people increased in the recent years, which is worrying when talking about a healthy society. So, the advice is to consume about 30 grams of fiber per day, according to the American Heart Association.

That way, you can reduce hunger, as fibers are responsible for keeping satiety longer, avoiding to consume empty calories.


Sleep well


Changing bedtime habits also make a difference to losing weight. The indication by scientists is that the night’s sleep has 7 to 8 hours so that you can be healthy.

Otherwise, you are likely to suffer from a range of problems, from depression, anxiety to weight gain.

This is because sleep regulates a number of hormones, including cortisol, the stress hormone, which considerably increases appetite.

It’s very likely when you don’t get enough sleep you tend to feel more hungry, haven’t you? Yeah, it’s cortisol acting!

Therefore, start sleeping early and regulate your 8 hours of sleep to lose weight in a healthy way in 2023.




These are the main guidelines to follow to lose weight in 2022. So, it’s up to you now to follow each one of them to lose weight.

Also, if necessary, don’t forget to consult a nutritionist so that fat burning happens more satisfactorily. So a well-planned program and menu should be set up:

  • Set your dietary limits and make a note of them;
  • Determine how much time you have to prepare meals;
  • Select meals for every day;
  • Prepare the weekly menu;
  • Buy something;
  • Create a routine;
  • To make the procedure simpler, give it a day;
  • Be sure to tidy your pantry.

Tell us about your experiences in the comments.

Ten Negative impacts of alcohol on health

There are ten negative impacts of alcohol on health that you need to know today, as the consumption of drinks with a high alcohol content generates a series of diseases that affect your quality of life. In fact, the effects are different for each individual, even if consumption is in equal amounts.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no safe and risk-free amount of alcohol. However, some health institutions advise that consumption be 3 doses a day at most, not being recommended to exceed 7 doses per week.

In any case, it is worth paying attention to the negative impacts of alcohol on health and below we list 10 of them. Check out!


1 – Interferes with blood sugar levels


The pancreas is the organ responsible for regulating insulin and glucose in the body. When it and the liver don’t work as expected, a drop in sugar levels occurs, called hypoglycemia.

The body’s metabolic responses during a hypoglycemia crisis provide symptoms to alert the person to the issue. “Common symptoms” include trembling, dizziness, sweating, feeling nauseous and hungry, being moody or irritable, anxiety, and headaches.

As a result, the person who consumed alcohol may experience symptoms related to diabetes. For this reason, those suffering from diabetes and hypoglycemia should avoid drinking too much alcohol.


2 – Problems in the circulatory system


One of the negative impacts of alcohol on health is that it can cause problems in the circulatory system, affecting the heart and blood vessels.

red blood cells in an artery, flow inside body, medical human health-care 

Just to give you an idea, alcoholics tend to have a much higher risk of suffering from heart disease than people who do not consume alcohol.

So, when talking about respiratory problems, several diseases arise, such as:

• Hypertension;
• Stroke;
• Heart disease and more.


3 – Loss of muscle and gain of fat


Alcohol is high in sugar and has so-called empty calories. This causes it to inhibit fat burning by more than 70%. Not to mention that it compromises muscle gain, decreasing the hormone responsible for muscle mass gain by more than 30%.

As if all these negative effects weren’t enough, alcohol also uses up the body’s calcium and decreases protein synthesis.

Therefore, everything culminates in fat gain, inefficient performance in training, loss of muscle mass and inadequate recovery after physical activity.


4 – Reduces testosterone


One of the negative health impacts of alcohol is that it lowers testosterone, and both men and women need this hormone for motivation and sexual desire.

So, in women, for example, low testosterone leads to fat gain and depression. Already in men, the low of this hormone led to reduced libido and erectile dysfunction.

One study measured testosterone levels before and after drinking alcohol. The discovery was that there was a drop of more than 24% of testosterone in the fall of the hormone in that alcoholic.

So when blood alcohol levels are too high, testosterone naturally goes down.


5 – Damage to the brain


Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which directly interferes with brain mechanisms.

Connections between the areas controlling movement and vision can be broken by alcohol.

According to research, drinking alcohol impairs the connections between the part of the brain responsible for movement planning and the part of the brain that controls vision, making it challenging to synchronize the eyes and hands.

Therefore, its excessive consumption causes difficulty in reasoning, in addition to promoting changes in sleep and causing the feeling of “fragmented”.

Thus, if the use is made chronically, for example, it can cause various damages, such as difficulty in balancing, problems with dementia, serious and irreversible condition, and many other health damages.


6 – Anemia


One of the negative impacts of alcohol on health is anemia. This is because it is very common malnutrition that is directly related to alcohol consumption for a long time.

After all, its intake makes it difficult to absorb nutrients, causing vitamin B12 deficiency. So, the picture can become macrocytic anemia, where the formation of red blood cells is altered, compromising the oxygen to reach the cells.


7 – Premature aging


In addition to everything you’ve already seen here, alcohol also destroys collagen fibers in the skin, causing joint problems and decreasing skin fat.

Therefore, these inflammatory processes end up causing you to suffer from premature aging. In fact, aging that happens from the inside out.


8 – Higher chances of developing cancer


Exaggerated intake of alcohol is related to a number of cancers, among them we can mention mouth, esophagus, colon, rectum and much more.

The causes are not yet known, but scholars point out that acetaldehyde, produced by alcohol, may have carcinogenic effects.


9 – Potentiates osteoporosis


Lifelong alcohol consumption disrupts bone health, especially the process related to bone mineralization, thus increasing the chances of you developing osteoporosis.

After all, alcohol interferes with metabolism, compromising the production of vitamin D, which generates the most diverse bone complications.


10 – Diseases of the liver


Finally, one of the negative impacts of alcohol l in health is that it can cause liver disease.

According to some surveys, about 90% of people who continuously drink alcohol tend to suffer from fat accumulation in the liver.

If alcohol continues to be ingested chronically, it can still cause the so-called alcoholic hepatitis.




There are many negative impacts of alcohol on health. Therefore, it is important consuming alcoholic beverages in a moderate way, avoiding it’s intake whenever possible.

Sugar impacts on human brain

Did you know that there are serious sugar impacts on human brain when you consume it in excess? Despite bringing the feeling of pleasure and energy, it is important to be careful with exaggeration.

According to information from the World Health Organization (WHO), the daily consumption of sugar should not exceed 5% of the energy value. This means that the maximum recommended intake is 25 grams.

However, in a single can of soda, for example, there are more than 40 grams of sugar. An amount well above what is advised by the WHO.

But after all, what are these damages that sugar brings when consumed in excess? Below we have listed some of the impacts of sugar on your brain. Follow right now!


Processed sugar and “good” sugar


It is likely that you took various types of sugar and they all turn into glucose. Natural sugar, for example, is commonly found in fruits, beans, and whole grains.

However, although there is sugar in these foods, they are still nutritious, full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and proteins, substances that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Therefore, it is the “good” sugar.

In turn, processed sugar, extracted from sugarcane, is found in the form of sucrose, a mixture of fructose and glucose. Thus, it is present in cereals, cookies, soft drinks and other foods.

In addition, this processed sugar is found in some foods that are not even considered sweet, such as sauces, microwave meals, and others.

Despite turning into glucose and being a source of energy for the body, processed sugar has no nutrients, in addition to being responsible for raising blood sugar levels.

For this reason, to consume too much sugar can generate a number of problems, such as diabetes, weight gain and premature aging.


Sugar impacts your brain


Now that you understand the difference between processed sugar and “good” sugar, it’s time to check out the impacts of sugar on your brain. Follow below!

depression and anxiety

When consumed, sugar alters dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for the sensation of pleasure, which makes your body associate that consumption with something pleasurable and pleasant.

However, soon after, there is a drastic drop in sugar in the body, as its action is very fast, thus generating symptoms such as:

• Mood swings;
• Mental confusion;
• Tiredness;
• Irritation.

Then, the problem is so serious that you start to feel depressed and anxious because of the excessive consumption of sugar.


Impairs memory

In addition to causing anxiety and depression, sugar impairs memory and compromises learning.
A study done at UCLA found that mice that ingested more sugar within a certain period had brain damage. The research proved that the sugar exaggeration harmed the cells.

The reason for this is that the mice developed “insulin resistance”, a pathology that promotes uncontrolled blood sugar levels, which impact the brain.

Therefore, one of the impacts of sugar on your brain generates memory damage and significantly compromises the learning process.


Mood swings


In addition to everything you’ve seen here, several studies show that foods that have a lot of sugar and carbohydrates negatively influence the neurotransmitters responsible for maintaining balanced mood.

The serotonin, which controls mood, moderate sugar intake. However, excessive consumption depletes neurotransmitters.


It’s addicting


Some studies also show that sugar is as addictive as the worse drugs. Therefore, its consumption can often be similar to a drug addiction.

As we mentioned earlier, sugar brings the sensation of pleasure, affecting an area of ​​the brain called the ucleus accumbens.

In a 2013 study, scientists even found that mice reacted to the Oreo cookie the same way they reacted to cocaine.

Also, curiously enough, the mice consumed the cream from the cookie first, just as some humans do too.


Is sugar really bad?


As the brain uses glucose to provide energy for the body, it is essential that it is properly nourished. So, not all sugar is bad.

However, processed sugar does not have good nutritional value or benefits for the body.

This doesn’t mean that you have to cut sweet foods of your daily menu, the ideal is adequate the amount of sugar to a balanced diet.




There are many impacts of sugar on your brain, but the solution is not always to give up this substance. However, it is It is possible to reduce consumption to reduce the chances of problems.

Five signs your dog is sick

Being aware of the signs your dog is sick is very important. After all, the sooner a diagnosis of the problem is made, the easier it will be for your pet to recover.

However, not every owner can tell when something is not going well in the dog, especially because they do not know about some symptoms that are worrying and that show that something is not going well.

So, to help, here we separate a series of signs that your dog is sick and that deserve a lot of attention. Come with us to check it out right now!


Lack of appetite


The first symptom, and one of the easiest to notice when the pet is sick, is the lack of appetite. That’s because, what dog doesn’t get extremely excited when he sees the food bowl or smells the food, right?

Signs your dog is sick

So, a sick dog does not want to eat and there are a number of diseases that cause the animal to lose its appetite, such as:

• Fever;
• Tick problems;
• Pains;
• Liver dysfunction and much more.

Therefore, it is very easy to identify the indisposition to feed, especially if the dog is the one who eats everything.
However, if your dog is more selective in his food and you are not sure he has a lack of appetite, offer him a treat. If he doesn’t accept it, it’s important to stay tuned.


Run after the tail


For some people, seeing the dog chasing its tail is fun. However, be aware that this may be behavior that indicates that he is suffering and not playing.

It’s obvious that dogs chase their tails and when that happens once in a while, there’s nothing to worry about. However, if the problem remains, it is a sign of a behavior disorder.

Signs your dog is sick

In addition, in more serious situations, the act of chasing the tail can indicate neurological diseases, seizures, tail fracture, among a number of other problems.

So, if the dog usually has this behavior frequently, seek a veterinary doctor as soon as possible to understand the reasons for this habit.


Downcast or “grumpy”


When you notice the pet down or sulking, then pay attention, as this is also one of the signs that your dog is sick. In fact, this symptom is more easily noticed when the dog is of that agitated type.

For calmer dogs, it is worth being more careful, analyzing if he has been lazier than usual.

At this first moment, there is no need to take it to the vet, but rather seek to encourage the dog, giving it attention and affection. However, if the problem persists, it is crucial to seek a veterinarian you trust.

That’s because, the downed or pouted dog can indicate several problems, among them are:

• Infections;
• Depression;
• Joint pain;
• Fever, much more.

However, as this symptom usually appears in most diseases, it is essential to take the doggo to the veterinarian as soon as possible.


Dry muzzle


A dry nose is one of those signs that your dog is sick that is not always easy to notice. However, we know that the dog’s nose is naturally wet and cold.

Even this temperature and humidity is no coincidence. The muzzle has an important function of regulating the temperature of the animal’s body. When he is sleeping, it is normal for this area to be dry.

However, shortly after waking up, the muzzle returns to its normal state. However, when he spends many hours dry, this can point to a low immunity in the dog, in addition to problems such as fever and distemper.

In addition, if the dry nose is accompanied by other symptoms, such as nosebleeds and itching, the situation becomes even more worrisome.


Changes in pee or poop


Changes in pee or poop are also signs that your dog is sick. So, pay attention to changes in quantity, color and even the place where the animal does its needs.

So, if the amount of urine is higher than usual, it is possible that he has diabetes or a kidney problem. In turn, if the amount of urine is less, there is a chance of renal or ureteral obstruction.

Signs your dog is sick

The same is true for feces. The presence of mucus indicates that the dog may have a worm.

Now if the dog has diarrhea, it is possible that he ate something that did not do well or is suffering from parvovirus, for example.

For this reason, any change in the pee or poop is a sign of attention and you need to take the furry to the vet to have it examined.




See how many signs there are that your dog is sick? So, be aware of your friend’s health and when in doubt, do not provide medication without medical advice, take the animal to the specialist.

Best vitamin C sources

To improve the immune system and ensure good health, you need to add the best sources of vitamin C to your diet. In addition to fighting colds and flu, it is great for helping with the formation of bones and muscles.

According to experts, daily consumption of vitamin C should be 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women.

However, it is not produced by the human body, which requires the need to look for the best sources of vitamin C and below we list some of them. Check out!



Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin C and is a versatile food, and can be used in the preparation of salads, gratins and can still be consumed sautéed.

In 100 grams of broccoli you have 82 mg of vitamin C. In addition, this dark green vegetable is still a source of fiber, calcium, iron and a number of other important minerals for health.



Acerola is a typical fruit from Brazil that also has a good amount of vitamin C. In one unit of it, you have 90 mg of this vitamin. Therefore, more than recommended by doctors.

In addition, it is worth consuming three units of acerola with meals, as this fruit is known to increase iron absorption.




Lemon is one of the best sources of vitamin C. In one unit of this fruit, you have 53 mg of vitamin. Not to mention its detox effect, helping to remove toxins present in the body.

This fruit is also known for a number of advantages, such as:

• Combating premature aging;
• Blood pressure control;
• Helps in healing;
• Prevents and fights cancer.



In addition to being low in calories, papaya should also be added to your diet as an excellent source of vitamin C. In 100 grams of it, you will find 61 mg of vitamin C.

It is also widely used in the slimming process, as it improves intestinal transit and helps to promote satiety, thus avoiding the consumption of unnecessary calories.



Citrus fruits cannot be left out when it comes to the best sources of vitamin C and here you have lemon, which in 100 ml of juice, you will find 55 mg of vitamin C.

Best vitamin C sources
For this reason, this fruit is a strong ally to prevent flu, colds and strengthen the immune system as a whole. In addition, it is tasty and easy to consume.



Cashew is a great fruit to prepare sweets and juices and in 100 grams of cashew you will find around 200 mg of vitamin C. Therefore, it should be part of your daily food routine.

In cashew you also find fiber, zinc, iron and potassium. Being low in calories and suitable for those who are following a diet focused on weight loss.



Many people don’t know, but mango also has its place when it comes to foods rich in vitamin C. In 100 grams of it, you find 36 mg of vitamin.

So, it is possible to consume it raw or in juice format, either using the fruit itself or the pulp. Obviously, its natural consumption is the most suitable.

Green cabbage


Like broccoli, kale is also one of the best sources of vitamin C. in 100 grams of it, you have 110 mg of vitamin. Because it is rich in antioxidants, this vegetable is usually part of the diet of those looking to lose weight.

Best vitamin C sources
In addition, its consumption is very easy, as it is possible to eat it raw or sautéed. Ah, it is also worth using it in the preparation of detox juices, for example.

Yellow pepper


Yellow peppers are one of the best sources of vitamin C, because in 100 grams of it you can consume more than 200% of the minimum recommended amount of the vitamin.

However, yellow peppers have 183 mg of vitamin C. Their consumption is very varied, you can eat them raw, roasted, sautéed, cooked or in a hot dish.



Pineapple is a diuretic, capable of ending fluid retention and body swelling, as its antioxidant action is impressive. However, it is also rich in vitamin C.

Best vitamin C sources
In 100 grams of the fruit, you already consume 47 mg of vitamin. Therefore, it is worth adding it to your healthy and balanced diet, whether you consume it raw or in juice form.


It has many nutritional properties and there are about a dozen species, but all are rich in fiber, anthocyanins, ellagic acid, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and vitamins B2 and B6.

More than 90% of strawberries are made up of water, which is why they are low in calories: a 100 g portion has only 30 calories.



Here you have found the best sources of vitamin C. So, there is no difficulty in including these foods in your diet, as they are easily found here in Brazil.

So, seek to consume the indicated amount and this will ensure the strengthening of your immunity, avoiding flu, colds and infection problems.

Since vitamin C is an antioxidant, it helps shield cells from harmful chemicals like free radicals that are created when people smoke or are exposed to pollution. Heart disease, some forms of cancer, and other illnesses can all be made worse by free radicals.

The top 5 health advantages of drinking water

Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water, a transparent liquid (H20). Even though it has no calories, it is essential to survival. When it comes to health and nutrition, the first rule is to drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated.

It is said that humans can last several weeks without eating but only a few days without drinking water. It’s no surprise that losing even a little bit of fluid can have negative effects on our bodies and minds, given that water makes up around 60 percent of the human body.

Learn about the numerous advantages of water to your health and the many tasty ways you may drink more of it.

The Role of Water in Nutrition


Depending on where you get your water, a glass of water could have varying amounts of certain nutrients. Underground reservoirs and springs are the source of mineral and spring water, which may contain beneficial minerals like calcium and magnesium.

There’s some evidence that it can boost cognitive function and emotional state. Researchers have found that people of all ages, from children to the elderly, can suffer from memory and mood impairments due to mild dehydration.

Even mild dehydration may have a bad impact on moods and may heighten anxiety, so it’s important to stay hydrated.

It has been suggested that dehydration can trigger or worsen headaches and migraines in some people.

1-Weight-maintenance efforts


Since the brain has no way of distinguishing between hunger and thirst, the latter is often misinterpreted as a desire for sweets. If you’re craving something sweet, drink a glass of water first.

Keeping yourself hydrated may also aid in the preservation of your present weight. Drinking water before eating may help you feel fuller for longer, which can aid in weight loss by reducing the amount of food you eat.

Another study, conducted in 2015, found the same thing when participants substituted water for diet sodas. The findings suggested that this approach might result in higher weight loss and better insulin resistance.

2-Efficiency in the gym


Numerous studies on the effects of hydration and dehydration on athletes have reached the same general conclusion: dehydration has negative impacts on both athletic performance and physiological function.

To prevent water and salt shortages during exercise, athletes should hydrate thoroughly before starting. When they start exercising, many athletes have some degree of dehydration. During activity, most drink less than their sweat loses, others drink too much and a few suffer hyponatraemia.

3-Avoid bowel obstruction


health advantages drinking water

Staying hydrated may aid in the prevention of constipation in children, adults, and the elderly by helping to “keep things moving” in the digestive tract. There is also some suggestion that carbonated water has special health benefits.

If you have discomfort and trouble getting out of the house, you may not have had enough water to drink that day. Insufficient fluid intake causes the fecal cake in the gut to absorb a lot of water, leaving the stools dry.

4-Urinary tract health


Some people are more likely to acquire kidney stones, or to have existing stones return, if they don’t drink enough water.

The risk of bladder infections and urinary tract infections like cystitis in women has been proven to decrease with increased water consumption, according to studies.

A protective strategy against urinary tract infections is staying hydrated (UTI). “Water consumption is crucial for preventing infections and inflammation. Urinary tract infections can be stopped in their tracks by drinking 2 to 3 liters of water on a daily basis.

5- Aids in hangover prevention


A hangover is a set of unpleasant symptoms that occur after drinking alcohol. Because alcohol is a diuretic, it causes you to lose more water than you take in. This can result in dehydration.

Dehydration is not the primary cause of hangovers, but it can cause symptoms such as thirst, fatigue, headache, and dry mouth. Drinking a glass of water between drinks and drinking at least one large glass of water before going to bed can help reduce hangovers.

health advantages drinking waterWater is the source of life and has several advantages, including regulating practically every bodily function. It hinders nutritional digestion, absorption, and transport; removes pollutants; speeds up bodily excretion; aids in weight reduction; and treats stretch marks, cellulite, and acne.

The practice of drinking water regularly can help you avoid several health issues. To stay hydrated and keep the skin healthy, it is advised to consume at least 2 liters of water daily. Additionally, water is a powerful ally for people trying to reduce weight since it promotes satiety when consumed.

As water makes up 70% of our body, maintaining hydration is crucial for the proper operation of all of our body’s systems.

Baby Skin Care Tips

Baby skin care is super delicate and requires a lot of special care. In this post, we will present you with valuable tips on how to protect it the right way and which myths we should eradicate about caring for the little ones.

Know that the skin is the first defense of our body, therefore, its care should be one of the main concerns, from birth. We say this because, at birth, the skin is much thinner and has an acidic PH that requires greater protection care.

Often, moms on duty and also dads, end up forgetting how different a newborn’s skin is, in relation to the skin of adults. Many adults don’t have a clear idea of ​​how to care for their baby’s skin in the first few days of life.

In addition, many are unaware that in the first few days the skin continues to mature and over the weeks and months it undergoes many changes in its appearance and also in texture.

Newborn baby’s skin

Basically, a newborn baby’s skin has:

  1. Reddish or purplish skin color;
  2. The baby’s skin usually acquires a waxy and thick substance, which is called sebaceous grease, but it is something important that protects the baby from amniotic fluid, for example.
  3. It also has a thin, smooth layer that covers the scalp, forehead, cheeks, shoulders and back.
  4. In the vast majority of cases, the skin is much thinner, but premature babies have even thinner and more transparent skin, while those born at normal time acquire thicker skin.
  5. According to experts, the baby’s skin at birth is perfectly formed, especially when it is born at the right time.
  6. However, the layer of skin that covers this dermis, known as vernix, has a PH considered high, ranging between 4.5 and 5.5 and this will take the baby a few days for his skin to strengthen.

Regardless of the fact that a baby’s skin is much thinner than an adult’s skin, it is important that we know how to maintain a balanced pH to avoid cases of dermatitis or skin infections.

What is necessary for baby skin care

As specialists in baby skin health, through pediatric science and also cosmetic techniques, scientists have been discovering what are the essential basic care for baby’s skin.

In the old days, it was believed that the only essential care for the baby’s skin was to bathe him, dry him and put some powder. Currently, scholars point out that we should be even more careful to take care of the baby and debunk some myths regarding the use of products for our little ones.

Thinking about this need to instruct dads and moms on duty in the care of the baby’s skin, we separate in today’s content some valuable tips. Check it out below:

Tip 1 – Newborn baby skin pH

Science has evolved a lot in recent years, including in the treatment of skin problems. In this case, a lot of care is essential when focusing on the PH of the baby’s skin.

The acronym PH stands for Hydrogen Potential, and is nothing more than a measure of the acidity or alkalinity that is produced in the skin by a layer between the epidermis and the dermis, which we call the hypodermis.

Its main function is to create a protective mechanism in the skin’s mantle, in order to guarantee the maintenance and restoration of its natural defense.

Scholars point out that the hydrolipidic mantle does not allow bacteria, fungi or microorganisms that live naturally in the skin to colonize and win the war.

In the case of babies, the skin is not yet fully developed, so it is necessary to look for products that are aligned with the care of the acidic PH of the little ones, around the 5 months of life of babies.

Tip 2 – Don’t remove your baby’s vernix

The vast majority of babies are covered by a thin, very thin, whitish layer of fat, which is called vernix caseosa. The function of this protective layer is to distance the baby’s delicate skin from agents that can irritate it, such as moisture in the amniotic fluid or cases of dehydration.

Therefore, we state that it is not convenient to remove this thin layer of fat, especially in the first few days. After these first few days, it will be absorbed naturally, without the need to wash it.

In addition, it is very useful, as it helps your baby to maintain their body temperature, and also contributes to skin nutrition and provides vitamin E.

Its antioxidant action will protect the baby’s skin from solar radiation.

Tip 3 – Good hygiene

Before putting your baby to take a bath, it is important to warm up both the water in the bathtub and the entire bathroom environment.

baby skin care

It is recommended that the water is always warm, between 37 or 38 degrees. To make sure that it will be pleasant for your baby, you can control this temperature with your hand, or with your elbow, as the grandmothers on duty would say!

After bathing your baby and drying him, with the skin still a little damp, you can take the opportunity to massage his skin, which is super relaxing and ends up stimulating the baby’s nerve endings. You can use a liquid lotion for this process and he will love it.

In addition, you can clean your skin with damp towels, especially on your face and neck.

Tip 4 – Avoid using neutral soaps

In the past, it was believed that neutral soap was ideal for the care of sensitive skin, such as babies, however, today we know that we need specific treatments for baby skin, free from any type of dye or preservatives. .

Scholars claim that thousands of people believe that neutral soaps are healthy for baby’s skin. However, this is a big myth that can end up harming the child’s PH issue.

baby skin care

The tip is that dads and moms migrate to specific products that have been developed for babies.

So, when buying a product for your baby, especially for your skin, look for those that don’t have a perfume, are unscented, don’t have added dyes and are specific to balance the child’s PH. In addition, it is important that they are free of parabens and other types of preservatives.

And now, what do you think of our baby skin care tips? Leave a comment below, pointing out which one you found most interesting.

Serum Usage Tips

Serum use manual: what it is, how and when to use it and which one to use according to your skin type and its needs

The serum is one more product to add to your beauty routine that is characterized by a high concentration of its active ingredients.

If you are concerned about the state of your skin and you are one of those who take care of it with a beauty routine both day and night, you have heard of the serum (we know which is Carmen Lomana’s favorite to firm the skin).

There are some with pure retinol that work while you sleep, others that convince you due to their properties and their price and others for which you bet because of the positive opinions of other beauty users.

But do you really know what serum is? And since we are set to achieve a good face effect, do you know how to use the illuminator to rejuvenate?

Lets start by the beginning. The serum is a product characterized by a high concentration of its active ingredients, which penetrate your skin quickly, reaching the deepest layers.

It is not only a moisturizing product and, of course, it does not replace your usual cream, but it helps in a more immediate and lasting way to fight against the effects of aging and the attenuation of blemishes or acne.


serum usage tips

How is the serum applied?


We have already said that it should not replace other cosmetic products such as moisturizer and that is because they act differently.

The serum penetrates deeper, reaching the dermis (the deepest layers of your skin) to repair and hydrate it. The cream, on the other hand, stays more on the surface, regenerating and protecting the epidermis.

The best way to apply it, due to its light texture and its higher concentration of active ingredients, is with small touches with the fingers, not spreading it as we do with the cream.

serum usage tips

The ideal is to use it twice a day, both in the morning and at night, but if you can only do it once, it is better to include it in your nightly routine, since the skin absorbs its properties better.

Also, a small amount of product will be enough to cover the face. Do not think that by applying more you will improve your results, since the only thing you will achieve is wasting it (and they are not cheap products, precisely).


When does it apply?


Surely you are tired of reading the steps for a correct facial routine, but we are going to remind you of them once again, so that you know when you should include the serum and why:

  1. Cleansing: Cleanse your face thoroughly with a gel, cleansing milk or micellar water. In all cases, remember to remove the product with a large amount of water and dry the skin well afterwards (yes, with micellar water too).
  2. Tonic: Sometimes we forget about this step, but it is important. The application of a toner complements the cleansing, revitalizes and calms the skin.
  3. Serum: This is the time to apply the serum. Remember to do it as we have said and wait for its complete absorption before continuing with the next step.
  4. Eye contour: The skin around the eyes is a very delicate area, so it is important to use a specific product for it. Remember to apply it in the direction of the nose, not in favor of the expression lines.
  5. Day or night cream: Moisturizing day cream and nourishing night cream. With hyaluronic acid, retinol, collagen…there are many to choose from.
  6. Sunscreen: Never leave home without first applying a good sunscreen, even if it’s winter and the day is cloudy. Some creams already include a sun protection factor, so if you are lazy to apply so much product, opt for one of them.

It may seem like a lot of steps, but it won’t take more than 10 minutes to complete the routine and the benefits for your skin will be noticeable.

Which serum do I choose?


This is more complicated. The first thing you have to know is what the needs of your skin are. There are moisturizing serums, which improve the hydration of dry or mature skin; firming, which help fight sagging, depigmenting, for skin with spots; antioxidants, which protect the skin from oxidation and achieve a more even tone and greater luminosity… there are as many serums as there are needs.

Here we give you some options so you can choose the one that best suits you


  • Bimaio pure hyaluronic serum: deeply moisturizes, fights wrinkles and signs of aging and is indicated for all skin types, especially those that are more dehydrated or prone to dehydration. Thanks to its tightening effect treatment, it fills in wrinkles and improves the texture of the face.
  • The Body Shop Roots of Strength Firming Serum: Helps mature skin regain its firmness and energy in no time. Thanks to its cocktail of spices, among which ginger, ginseng and rusco root stand out, you will get firmer, renewed and denser skin.
  • Azelac RU Serum, by Sesderma: it is a depigmenting serum with liposomal active ingredients that act directly on the origin of skin blemishes, homogenizing skin tone.
  • Avène A-Oxitive Serum: This antioxidant defense serum smoothes the first wrinkles, protects from the effect of free radicals and revives the skin’s radiance thanks to its effectiveness equivalent to 15% pure vitamin C.

Throughout our content today, you can get all the information about the serum. Do you already use this product today? Leave a comment below revealing which one is your favorite.


Tips for Perfect Makeup – Knock it out!

Learn in our article today some tips for a perfect makeup. Following our steps, you will make up like a professional.

The realization of a perfect makeup is not something difficult to achieve, considering that it only requires a little practice on the part of the person who will apply it and special care with the skin.

So, start to better observe how your skin behaves, looking in the mirror every day. Pay attention, if it is more oily, or if it has a lot of blackheads and thorns, considering that, depending on the type of skin, you will have to take more care of the makeup used.

See if the skin has shine and in which areas, if there are flaky areas, blackheads, and if your pores are dilated. Also note where the expression lines are accentuated, as they are all signs of what our skin needs.

You may not know where to start or what order to follow, but don’t worry. In this post we will guide you to understand more clearly what are the steps to be followed for a perfect makeup.

Steps to get a perfect makeup

You can be sure that if you follow these steps, you will not find it difficult to achieve a flawless look on your skin.

Perfect Makeup

Sensual attractive adult european model in luxurious formal dress, holding mirror in hand and applying makeup with brush, standing over gray background. Woman is getting ready for her date.

1- Cleaning your skin before makeup

The first step before applying makeup is to cleanse your skin well. Even if you have properly removed your makeup from the day before, during the night, the skin ends up eliminating some toxins and fats through its pores, which may require a new cleaning in the morning.

Therefore, you can use small cleanser wipes or cleanser milk to apply with your fingers all over the face and massage with awareness.

When removing makeup, we advise you to use small cotton pads, since with their fibers they do not damage our skin so much.

It is preferable to do all this with plenty of water and also with the help of a small damp facial sponge, as this will also provide more moisture to the skin.

When drying your face, it is also important that you do not rub the towel over your face, but make small gentle touches to dry the area.

If after cleaning your skin, you notice that it still doesn’t look clean, you can still do a small gentle exfoliation that helps eliminate dead skins that may still be present on your skin.

2- Use of facial tonic

If you want to get fresher skin, using touches of facial toner on it can help achieve this effect. In addition, it will also close your most dilated pores and give us a pleasant feeling of tenderness.

Perfect Makeup

Happy beautiful girl holding her cheeks with a laugh looking to the side. Pretty woman clean fresh skin . Expressive facial expressions .Cosmetology , beauty and Spa.

3- Do a serum treatment

With this simple step, we will be providing a treatment with specific nutrients depending on the type and particularities of your skin, whether for more mature or dull skin with a lot of oil, rosacea or for those with expression lines.

Regardless of the situation, you just need to apply small drops of the serum to the affected areas or, in general, depending on your skin, and massage the area with awareness.

4- Applying a pre-makeup moisturizer

You need to identify the type of skin you have to make your moisturizer work in your favor. Pay attention to the moisturizer purchased, considering that, depending on the purchase, it can end up leaving your skin very oily.

When you apply a moisturizer, it is important that you do so, massaging with awareness so that it reaches the deepest layers of your skin.

Let the product act for approximately 5 minutes before continuing to prepare your skin for the next procedures.

5- Use a good primer

This is one of the most important steps to follow in achieving perfect makeup. With it, you will get the finish of the makeup to last much longer.

The primer is usually a colorless gel that creates a thin film on our skin, sealing open pores and smoothing their appearance.

Its composition is prepared so that the fat that the skin naturally generates does not reach the protective layer of the makeup that exists above it and is not damaged.

6- Base application

We started to prepare our makeup. When you go to buy your foundation, don’t do the color proof on your hand. Choose one that matches your skin tone, neither lighter nor darker.

Perfect Makeup

Close up portrait of happy woman keeps eyes smiles toothily holds cosmetic brushes for applying makeup applies beauty patches for reducing wrinkles stands bare shoulders isolated over white background

The ideal is to try it on properly cleansed skin, in the upper area of ​​the jaw and check that it blends perfectly with your natural skin color.

To apply the foundation on your skin, you can use a sponge and there are some that have a drop shape that make the process easier.

Once you’ve covered the entire face, including the eyelids and a little bit of the lips, but always trying to avoid excess, you can add a little more to fully cover the pore area.

Remember that the finish of your foundation must be light and must serve to unify the tone of your face, providing a more tanned tone without giving a masking effect.

7- Correct concealer!

If you can count on light beige concealer in cream, it will be essential to correct any areas that are still marked on your face.

To apply the concealer, apply small amounts to some areas, such as dark circles, nostrils, lips, etc. An interesting trick is to apply gentle taps using the ring finger.

8- The use of compact powder

For your makeup to have a velvety and flawless finish, we recommend using matte powders. The color should be the same as the general makeup or slightly lighter.

In order not to leave the trace overloaded with excess powder on your skin, it is important that you load the powder brush by blowing it dry.

What’s up? What do you think of our makeup tips? Have you applied any of the ideas presented? Comment below!