Category Archives: Tips

How to make the stove sparkling with vinegar?

stove sparkling with vinegar

Want to learn how to leave the stove shining? There are a few concoctions you can make with vinegar that are great for keeping your stovetop clean.

After all, he sautés from here, fries a chicken there, cooks the meat from there and so the stove gets dirty. So when you are surprised, the situation is out of control, isn’t it?

So, knowing how common this happens, here are some simple tips on how to leave the stove shining with vinegar. Follow below! How to make the stove sparkling with vinegar? Tips!

Vinegar and neutral detergent

This is a powerful mix, great for removing those stains that just won’t go away. So, to make it, you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon alcohol vinegar;
  • 1 spoon of neutral detergent.

So, mix the two ingredients well and moisten a cloth with this mixture. Then rub all over the stove, letting it act for about 2 minutes.

After that time, you just need to pass a new cloth, now dry and clean, to remove the product and prevent it from getting stains. Once this is done, your stove will be clean and shining.

stove sparkling with vinegar

Baking Soda and Vinegar

If you want a magic recipe to make your stove shine, then you’ll only need two basic ingredients that you probably have at home:

  • Alcohol vinegar;
  • Sodium bicarbonate.

Therefore, to do this cleaning is very simple: spread the alcohol vinegar across the surface of the stove. If the dirt is very impregnated, don’t skimp on the vinegar, agreed?

Then sprinkle baking soda on all parts and let the mixture act for 5 minutes. Now just get a sponge to remove the excess, always passing the soft part of it so as not to scratch the stove.

By doing this, in addition to cleaning your stove, leaving it well sanitized, you will also leave it shiny, as if it were brand new.

White vinegar and lemon

Do not think that the mixtures to leave the stove shining with vinegar are over. Now, vinegar is a very versatile ingredient and when combined with others, it promotes unparalleled cleaning.

So, for this recipe you will need:

  • White vinegar;
  • Hot water;
  • Sodium bicarbonate;
  • Lemon Juice.

So, just make the mixture by adding 500 ml of hot water, baking soda, lemon juice and white vinegar. Now pass this mixture onto a sponge and rub the soft side all over the stove, just be careful not to burn yourself.

Finally, pass a dry cloth to remove excess and see the impressive result of a clean and shiny stove.

Tip: If the burners are very dirty, soak them in this mixture for 5 minutes. After that time, just rub them with steel wool and a dry cloth.

Vinegar and degreaser

When the stove is too dirty, there is no other way out: you will need a degreaser to do this cleaning job more efficiently.

So here you will need:

  • Vinegar;
  • Degreaser or remover.

The idea is not to mix the two, but to apply a degreaser or remover first to remove the excess. Remember to follow the guidelines given by the manufacturer.

Also, to finish, clean with vinegar and sponge. Just apply some vinegar to the soft part of the sponge, then just rub it.

Then finish the cleaning process with a damp or dry cloth. As a result, your stove will shine again.

White vinegar and warm water.

The ideal is not to let the stove arrive in a situation of maximum dirt, as this makes cleaning more time consuming and laborious.

Therefore, the solution of white vinegar with warm water is great for everyday use, as it ensures effective cleaning and prevents the stove from arriving in a very dirty state.

Thus, you will need;

  • 1 spoon of vinegar;
  • Warm water.

In a spray bottle, mix vinegar and warm water. Then spray the mixture on a cloth and pass it on the stove. Finally, wipe with a dry cloth to remove excess.

Tip: Always do this process after cooking, so you keep the stove shining. However, do not forget to wait for the stove to cool down, of course!

stove sparkling with vinegar

How to keep the stove shining?

In addition to using the vinegar solutions shown above to keep your stove always clean and shining, some day-to-day measures help to ensure that this appliance is in good condition. Look!

Clean as soon as you’re done

Accumulated dirt is always harder to get out and ends up causing stains. Therefore, adopt the habit of, when you finish cooking, wait for the stove to cool down and clean it.

Remove grease stains immediately

Prevention is always the best medicine. When noticing that a grease stain has spilled onto the stove, wipe it off immediately with a cloth dipped in vinegar. This will prevent stains from appearing.

Use stove protectors

Finally, another tip that works great to keep the stove shining is to use the protectors, ideal for those who cook daily and want to keep it always clean.

The great advantage of these protectors is that they avoid the contact of fat and other foods directly on the stove, that is, it makes cleaning less laborious.

Of course, they end up hiding the stove, but sometimes using the protectors can help a lot.


Now you know what steps to take to make your stove shine with vinegar. After all, this versatile ingredient combines with several others and promotes a deep cleaning of your appliance.

stove sparkling with vinegar

Also, don’t forget to follow the tips that ensure you keep the stove clean longer and even help with its durability.

Discover the sights of the wonderful city

There are many tourist attractions in the wonderful city, as there is no shortage of options in Rio de Janeiro and there is entertainment, fun and beauties for all tastes.

So, you can be sure that you will leave Rio de Janeiro in love. That is why the capital of Rio periodically receives more than 2 million visitors per year.

So, in this content today you will find the main sights of the wonderful city to plan your trip well. Check it out right now!

Christ the Redeemer


To start our list of must-see sights in Rio de Janeiro, don’t forget to mention one of the city’s biggest attractions: Christ the Redeemer.

The monument is 38 meters high and stands with open arms. It is located in the Tijuca National Park, on top of Corcovado Mountain. When visiting it, you can have a privileged view of the city, being able to contemplate the entire Guanabara Bay.

So, today the visitor has two ways to reach him:

  • Train – with a journey of 20 minutes;
  • Van – leaving from the Paineiras Visitors Center.

Sugar Loaf


Another popular tourist spot in Rio de Janeiro is the Sugarloaf Mountain, which is located 400 m above sea level. The beginning of the tour begins with a lot of emotion: through the famous cable car, a symbol of the lands of Rio de Janeiro.

Thus, through it, you can have a privileged view of various points of the city, from Urca to Niterói. Among so many beauties to be seen from the cable car, one of the main ones is Enseada de Botafogo and, of course, Guanabara Bay.

The whole tour lasts about 2 hours, counting from the ascent to the stay on Sugarloaf Mountain. There, you can see the Mythological Guanabara Sculpture, boque, lookout to Praia Vermelha, in addition to having shops and bars.

However, if you are traveling to Rio de Janeiro in the high season, our tip is that you guarantee your ticket as soon as possible through the website, as the demand is huge.

Saint tereza


One of the sights of the wonderful city that you will love is the Saint Tereza neighborhood, located right in the central region of the city. The place is one of the favorites of tourists, as it is there that the famous Escadaria Selarón is located.

Therefore, the neighborhood is a tourist stop for those who like something more historical, because there you feel in a more colonial region, which seems to have been preserved over time.

In addition, in Saint Tereza there are other incredible attractions, such as the Museu da Chácara do Céu and the Parque das Ruínas. Thus, it is a more historic tourism with a bohemian atmosphere.

By the way, if you’re the type that likes cold beer, beautiful people and snacks, then, without a doubt, you’ll love visiting the Saint Tereza neighborhood

Tijuca Forest


Also called the Tijuca National Park, the Tijuca Forest is one of the sights of the wonderful city. There you can find one of the largest urban forests in the world.


With more than 39.50 km², the Park is listed as a conservation unit and there you have many possibilities of what to do, such as trails, waterfalls, historical ruins and much more. All this right in the center of the capital of Rio de Janeiro.

Thus, it is the right tour for those who like to be close to nature. Best of all, Tijuca National Park can be visited all year round, just buy a ticket to see this wonder up close.

Copacabana beach


It is impossible to talk about visiting Rio de Janeiro without mentioning the beaches, especially Copacabana beach, one of the most famous in Brazil and which is also on the list of the best beaches in the world.

It is 3 km long and there you will come across several incredible spots, many of which were carnival stages, inspirations for music, film and soap opera settings and much more.

For this reason, be sure to set aside a day just to enjoy Copacabana beach: stroll along the boardwalk, discover the statues that are scattered there, take a walk at the Copacabana Fort and, of course, enjoy the beach a bit.

In addition to all this, you can still take the opportunity to visit several kiosks, bars and restaurants that are nearby. After all, the beach is quite busy and is ideal for those who enjoy entertainment.

Lapa Arches


The Carioca Aqueduct, popularly known as Arcos da Lapa, is one of the sights of the wonderful bohemian city and features many postcards. As the name itself makes clear, the place is the gateway to Lapa.

So, following the romantic style, the white flowers were built from the 18th century onwards as a way of supplying the lack of water for the Carioca population.

Soon, years after the sanitation and water system became more modern, the arches were used to connect the city. The cable car, which in the 19th century became the main means of transport in the city, passed through there.

Today it is a historic tourist spot, with 42 arches and 270 m, in addition to 18 m in height. It is a colonial construction

to the country and nearby you have restaurants and bars very busy.

Lage Park


Another option for those who like to be in contact with nature is to visit Lage Park. Another mandatory tourist spot for anyone passing through Rio de Janeiro is located very close to Corcovado.

The park is listed as Historical and Landscape Heritage by IPHAN and a few decades ago it was a sugar mill, which was restored by a landscaper. His inspiration was European palaces and gardens.

Thus, the property ended up becoming public and there you can connect a little with nature, there are 52 hectares of green, with trails and parks. In addition to being a great place to learn more about Brazilian architecture.



Now you know some of the main sights of the wonderful city. So, be sure to visit each one of them, you will surely be surprised by the beauties of Rio de Janeiro.

See the main typical foods of the northeast of Brazil

When you arrive in northeastern Brazilian lands, you will find surprising landscapes, a lot of history, a latent culture and, of course, a gastronomy that no one can fault. That’s because, the typical foods from the northeast of Brazil are incredible!

Therefore, if you are interested in gastronomic experiences, there is no doubt that the taste of northeastern gastronomy will positively surprise you.

That said, let us know that here we have made a very special selection of the main typical foods from the northeast of Brazil. Follow next!

“Baião de dois”


baião de dois

Baião de dois is a dish that mixes rice and beans. It is a typical dish of Ceará cuisine, but it is also well known in other regions of the northeast.

Then, in it, rice is cooked with string beans and seasonings are added, such as tomatoes, peppers, chives and others.

However, to make it even tastier, the baião de dois also includes pork rinds, pieces of curd cheese and sausage. By itself it is a complete dish, which does not even need a side dish.



typical northeast Brazilian foods
In most of the northeastern states, the day only begins after eating a good tapioca, also called “beiju”.

However, it is also enjoyed as a dessert and even as an afternoon snack.

Northeast tapioca is made with cassava starch and it is possible to consume it without filling or with filling.

The most traditional is tapioca with coconut and coalho cheese.

In addition to being delicious, tapioca is one of the typical foods of northeastern Brazil, nominated as Intangible Heritage and Culture of the City since 2006 by the Council for the Preservation of the Historic Site of Olinda.



The Northeast region is well known for its beaches and rivers. Therefore, it is natural that there are many typical dishes that have seafood as main ingredients.

So, one of them is exactly the moqueca, made with fish fillet, palm oil, coriander and coconut milk.

However, this delight can also be made with other ingredients, such as oyster, shrimp and even crab. In some restaurants, you can find fish and shrimp moqueca, for example.

To enjoy the moqueca, it is very common for it to have some very special accompaniments, such as white rice, mush and the typically northeastern farofa.

Maria Isabel


typical northeast Brazilian foods
Maria Isabel is one of the delicious foods typical of northeastern Brazil, very common in Piauí. However, you can find this dish in other states as well, such as Ceará, Maranhão and Rio Grande do Norte.

So, the recipe for this dish has the following ingredients as protagonists: dried meat and rice!

According to legend, in the past, Northeastern men could only consume dried meat. However, a mother, who did not have enough meat to feed her son, made a mixture of dried meat and rice.

From there, the so-called Maria Isabel was born, which, according to legend, takes its name in honor of the woman who created the dish.



Sarapatel is a controversial dish of northeastern food, as there are those who love it and there are those who prefer not to consume it. Incidentally, many people do not even have the courage to try this delicacy.

So, the reason for this is simple: the sarapatel is made with the viscera of the goat. Also, the meat is cooked with the animal’s blood. So it really is “8 or 80”.

Therefore, it is a very strong recipe and with a flavor unlike anything you have ever consumed. Despite that, it’s worth a try.

To complement, sarapatel is usually served with flour and pepper. It goes very well with white rice too!



typical northeast Brazilian foods

One of the best known typical foods from the northeast of Brazil is Acarajé. However, not everyone knows exactly what he is about.

In general, the acarajé dough is made with black-eyed peas and fried in palm oil. The food is a delicious delicacy of Afro-Brazilian cuisine.

To accompany the acarajé, the following are served:

  • Dried shrimp;
  • Vatapd;
  • Raw salad
  • Pepper.

In addition, acarajé has a whole presentation too, being served on a tray, especially when it is purchased at the famous acarajé stalls in Salvador, Bahia.



Another typical food from the Northeast, also from Bahia, is the famous Vatapá. It is made with a series of ingredients, but the main ones are shrimp, palm oil and breadcrumbs.

It is usually served with white rice, but it also accompanies other typical foods from the northeast of Brazil, such as acarajé, which we mentioned earlier.

By the way, like acarajé, vatapá is a food with African origin and is therefore popular in other regions of Brazil, such as Amapá, Pará and Amazonas.



typical northeast Brazilian foods

We could not fail to mention the famous northeastern couscous, which is totally different from the couscous that is prepared in São Paulo.

So, this delicacy is very present in the food routine of the population of the northeast, as it is often consumed for breakfast. Some people even enjoy couscous as their main meal of the day.

And It is made with corn flour, seasoned with salt and steamed in the famous couscous dishes. To make it even tastier, you can add grated cheese to the couscous, which melts into the pasta when served.

However, it is a very versatile dish, which can be made with other additions as well, such as dried meat, bacon and eggs.

Without a doubt, couscous is one of the best typical foods from the northeast of Brazil and worth trying.


Here you will get to know some of the main typical foods from the northeast of Brazil. These are dishes that you can find in various northeastern regions and that are usually present on restaurant menus.

So, if you are traveling through the Northeast, be sure to try these delights. They are part of the country’s culture, in addition to providing a unique flavor for your palate.

Ten tips to save water at home

Save water is a global need, given that its scarcity is becoming a matter of concern in many regions of the country and also the world. Here are ten tips to save water at home.

We must remind you that water is considered a fundamental resource for maintaining the health of human beings and the planet in general.

This climate change that has been taking place in recent years and the excessive consumption of this type of resource is directly affecting both the quantity and quality of water across the planet Earth.

In this way, saving water is a way of avoiding its waste and also ends up protecting the environment, so that we can guarantee the survival of thousands of existing species, including the human race.

There’s no way, water is a fundamental resource for life and copper. Currently, about 80% of the entire surface of the planet.

However, its resource is limited and more and more are the problems faced in different parts of the world, derived from the process of water scarcity.

Turning off the faucet when not in use, or making sure that the faucets have been closed correctly, and that there is no process for the water to escape, are just some of the numerous recommendations we can give you to save water at home.

We already know that human beings need water for their survival, but also to carry out a series of activities, such as industrial processes, food, cooking, cleaning, bathing, etc.

10- basic tips for you to practice at home!

In different occasions of our routine that we practice daily, we end up forgetting the importance of saving water to avoid wastage.

Bearing in mind that we are facing a valuable resource, whose excessive use and without savings can pose a greater environmental problem.

The process of saving water supposes to avoid the excess consumption of it in order to protect the environment and also to mitigate the effects of climate change on the entire planet.

A sustainable consumption of water is a responsibility of all of us and through small actions we can collaborate to reduce its cost.

1- Close the taps well

Whenever you use a faucet in your home, it is important that you close it well, as this will prevent water from leaking through small leaks, for example.

In addition, even if it seems like a little valuable action, whenever you go to brush your teeth or wash some dishes, for example, try to turn off the tap while you are washing the dishes, as this helps to save money.

When brushing your teeth, for example, you can put necessary water in a glass and not let the tap run unlimitedly.

The same can be done in the shower while washing your hair. If you are lathering your hair with shampoo, you can take a break from the shower water, or while you wait for the conditioner to act on the strands.

2- Use a shower and not a bathtub

If you have a shower and a bathtub in your home, know that the best recommendation to save water is that you try to use the shower more than the bathtub.

That’s because the shower uses 50% less water than a bathtub. A 5-minute shower, for example, helps to save around 3,500 liters of water a month.

3- Use electric faucet

If you are using an electric faucet in your home to have hot water while washing dishes, for example, know that the first showers that come out of the faucet are usually cold, and if you don’t want to put your hand in cold water, you can simply book it.

This water, which is still cold, to use in other functions, such as cleaning the floor of the house, washing clothes by hand, watering plants, etc.

tips to save water

Vector woman hands for concept save our planet isolated on background

4- Use pressure reducers

Another very useful tip to save water is to buy pressure reducers for your shower, for example, considering that they will guarantee a significant saving of water every month.

Pressure reducers are rings that regulate the flow of water from faucets and showers. You may adjust the flow from 6 to 14 liters per minute with the same item.

5- Put bottles inside your cistern

Another interesting tip to save water is to put 2 full bottles inside your cistern and you will save 2 to 4 liters each time you use it. Also, do not use your toilet as a trash can, as this can cause serious plumbing problems in your home.

6- Full Washing machine

So that you can use your appliances efficiently, put them in the washing machine or dishwasher and the like when they are completely full, so you will use water in just one process and avoid waste.

To give you an idea, when we use a washing machine that is full, we can save 2,500 to 2,800 liters every month. That’s a pretty significant number, isn’t it?

7- Use a Fridge to Defrost food

Who has never had to turn around at thirty to prepare the meal because they forgot to take the meat out to defrost? Yes, dear reader, this scenario is pretty typical, especially amid the flurry of daily life.

Defrost your food in the fridge or at room temperature, but not under your faucet. It’s an unnecessary expense that can easily be avoided. Or even better, the day before, take the food out of the freezer and let it defrost in the refrigerator.

8- Keep Cold water in the fridge.

If you always keep a pitcher of cold water in your fridge, you won’t have to wait when you turn on the faucet for it to come out fresh, saving an important amount of water every month.

And, of course, keep the fridge door closed. Even while it might seem like a mother’s pet peeve, keeping the refrigerator door open makes the engine work harder to cool it down again, which has an immediate effect on the energy cost and may even lead to plate and compressor wear.

9-Prefer Native plants

If you have a garden at home, one of the best things you can do to save water is with native plants, so you don’t exceed the use of water when watering them. It also takes the opportunity to collect rainwater.

Another important tip is that you try to water your plants at dawn, because this will prevent the water from evaporating before it absor. It is also important not to clean the floor of the house with a hose, use a brush and you will optimize the process using less water.

10- Maintenance of your faucets

Our last tip to save water is that you try to leave the maintenance of your faucets, or any place that has dripping water always up to date, avoiding unnecessary waste. The environment will thank you and so will your pocket.

What’s up? Of the tips to save water, which one did you like the most? Which one do you already follow daily? Comment below!

tips to save water

A selective focus shot of a human hand holding a glass sphere

Learn English by yourself – 7 fundamental tips!

Learn English by yourself. You don’t have to take a language class or live in a country where English is the main language to learn English.

Even though anything that helps is good, you can also learn the language on your own with the help of some tools and tips.

The English language is one of the ones we use the most every day, which can be helpful if you want to learn English on your own.

Even people who say they don’t know English know at least a few English words, like smartphone, tablet, book, hot dog, podcast, etc.

ICDRA gives you 7 tips that will help you learn English on your own like a pro.

1- Explore your electronic devices

With technology getting better and more people using smartphones and tablets every day, it might be a good idea to change the language of the operating systems to English.

Since you must already know the Portuguese words that are used in each menu, button, etc., you will probably make a connection between the commands, which will help you learn more words. 

learn English by yourself

At some point, your brain will be so used to Portuguese words that it won’t even think about them anymore. Instead, it will look for things like “add new contact” when you want to add a new contact, etc.

Add to your word bank:

  • Top slang in American and British English
  • Colors in English
  • Greetings in English

2- Watch series and videos in English

Do you have any favorite TV shows or movies?

How about combining the useful with the fun and using your interests to improve your English language skills?

In this case, watching the videos with English language and subtitles is a great choice. If you listen to and read English words at the same time, you will improve several skills at once:

  • Improve your listening.
  • Understanding the meanings of words within a context (which is much more useful than learning words in isolation).
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of words.
  • See the spelling of certain words.
  • Internalize grammatical structures.
  • See also: Idioms in English

3- Listen to English songs

If you’ve ever studied English and been frustrated by listening exercises with boring, old, or totally uninteresting audio, don’t give up!

By adopting the correct method, learning English can become extremely motivating and enjoyable. Why not use your favorite songs in English, which are already in English, to improve your listening?

In learning a foreign language, listening is a skill. When you listen to music, you not only learn how to understand what is being said, but also how to say it.

You can play a phrase at a time and try to repeat what you hear, for example. After that, when you know most of the words, you can sing along. If it’s true that “whoever sings his evils amazes,” then your schoolwork will be going great guns.

4- Don’t use the exact same words.

One of the biggest problems with people who are learning Portuguese is that almost everyone tries to translate everything into Portuguese, and what’s worse, word for word.

It is very important to remember that some structures, verb tenses, and even words do not exist in both languages. For example, in English there is no word for saudade. We use the verb to miss, for example, to say something similar.

In the same way, there is no conjugation for the Present Perfect tense in Portuguese. When we say, for example, “I have already been to Ireland,” we should focus on what the sentence means and not worry about how it sounds in Portuguese.

Learn in a light and easy way. Don’t think about the parts; think about the whole. You won’t be sorry at all!

learn English

5- Read short stories every day

“Practice makes perfect,” don’t they say? So don’t put it off! Start your plan to learn English today, and make sure it includes small amounts of English reading every day.

What do you gain from these readings? Simple:

  • Make your vocabulary bigger.
  • Learns how sentences are put together.
  • Find a good way to remember how to spell.
  • Read as many times as necessary.
  • The important thing is that you feel like you understand the main idea and message of the text at a certain point. If you need to, you can go back to the same text in a few weeks.

learn English

Your knowledge of the language will already be a little bit more advanced, so it’s likely that you’ll be able to understand what’s written better.

Don’t forget that hurrying is the enemy of perfection!

6-Teach by shadowing

Shadowing is a way to learn a language. To use shadowing, you need a recording made by a native English speaker and a written transcript of what was said.

The main part of this method is listening to the audio while reading the text at the same time. At this stage, it’s important to pay close attention to both how the words are said and how they are said.

In the next step, you must play the audio and read the text at the same time, speaking along with the original recording.

Shadowing helps you improve your ability to understand what you hear and how you say things, which are both very important for talking to other people in English.

7- Don’t be afraid to talk to people.

Think you don’t have enough words in your vocabulary to talk or that your grammar skills aren’t good enough for you to conjugate verbs properly? Don’t have that thought!

The most important thing in a conversation is to get it going. Don’t worry and don’t feel bad about making mistakes. They are part of the way that everyone learns.

Take the chance to train if you know someone who is also learning English or who already speaks it well or is a native speaker.

The talk doesn’t have to take a long time and be formal. A simple conversation about the time, the day, or school will help you get your tongue loose.

Now that you know how to learn English on your own, just roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Good studies!

Tips for investing money – Know the best alternatives!

Seeking guidance on how to investing money is essential for any person, venture or business?

We can even mention that it is quite common for people, regardless of the work they are doing, to seek financial stability, but with some concern about having to carry debts and face high interest rates based on loans to obtain them.

For entrepreneurs out there, knowing the right way to manage money in a healthy way is even more crucial. That’s if we take into account all the uncertainties that a business of your own can entail, especially for those who are just starting in this environment.

First, we must take into account that when we leave our money idle, with easy access and without a specific destination, the tendency to spend it in an undisciplined way is quite high.

For this reason, we will share in this post some basic guidelines so that you can invest your money and have a guarantee that when you need it, you will have this amount at your disposal and with much more income.

How important is investing money today?

Some types of investments end up allowing us to allocate a small amount of our earnings, while others require more significant amounts so that we can start the process of saving.

The process of withdrawing investments is also quite variable. In this way, there are investments in which it is possible to withdraw the amount invested at any time, as is the case with savings accounts.

investing money

On the other hand, there are other types of investments where you will only be able to see your money again available for withdrawal after a period of time (a matter of six months to a year).

If you do market research, you will notice that there are numerous alternatives to invest money that are available to the most varied entrepreneurial profiles.

It doesn’t matter if you are a more prudent, insecure, or more daring entrepreneur, you will certainly find ways to invest money that satisfy you.

However, we never advise you to invest all the money you have, even a small amount. Putting it all in one investment can pose a big risk.

Considering that the financial market is constantly changing, especially in the most fragile economies, if you happen to put all your money in one place, if your investment drops, you can suffer heavy losses.

However, when you diversify your investments, in addition to ensuring that financial resources can multiply, you can also avoid significant losses, if there is a negative evaluation in one of the markets, for example.

How much money should I invest?

First, it is worth mentioning that there is no suitable minimum/maximum amount to invest your money. The amount will depend a lot on the type of investment and also on your entrepreneurial profile.

investing money

Although this is variable, there are some calculations you can do to know how to reach your financial goal. See how to do it below:

  • To get started, you should keep a record of all your fixed expenses, such as financing, rent, electricity bills, health insurance, water, telephone, internet, monthly bills, study taxes, among other fees.
  • If, in addition to personal expenses, you have a company, it is also important to include the expenses that are generated by your venture, such as space rental costs, production costs, payment of suppliers, employees, etc.
  • It is also important to keep a record of the amount of cash flow that you have and that is necessary for your business to remain in full operation, even if it is not providing you with as much income.
  • So that you can carry out this type of control, you can create a spreadsheet in Google Drive or Excel to easily visualize your finances and have a more accurate idea of ​​what you are doing with your money.

After making all the records of your monthly expenses, it is also important to consider whether you can reserve at least 10% of your monthly income for investments.

As we pointed out earlier, it is not mandatory that this percentage be used, but if it is not possible to make an investment with a fixed amount every month, it will be much easier to achieve expressive results over 1 year, for example.

Where should I invest my money?

There are several types of investments that can be made in the financial market. In this way, we will present what are the main formats that currently exist, explain the difference between them.

As we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of the investment models, try to also observe which ones best suit the goals we have established for your venture.

Savings account

A savings account is one of the most common forms of investment, probably because it is available at any financial institution.

However, it ended up losing ground in the face of other options that, despite being a little more complex, end up being profitable for the investor.

To get started, all you need to do is look for a financial institution with the documentation required to open a savings account.

Advantages of saving Money

  • You will be able to obtain daily liquidity, being able to withdraw these amounts at any time.
  • In investment accounts we are exempt from income tax.
  • It is a much safer way to invest your money, as in many countries they offer protection of funds for individuals.

Disadvantages of Savings Accounts

  • Depending on the country, incomes can be very low;
  • Even if the customer can make withdrawals from his account, the earnings are only computed if he respects the minimum time of earnings after the deposit.
  • If you are a person who faces some difficulty in saving, an interesting resource can be to make investments in daily liquidity, as this method encourages the withdrawal of values ​​in advance, without harming your income.

Term deposit

This investment option is a type of security that is issued by banking institutions with the purpose of raising money to finance their activities with investments and loans to third parties.

By this, we mean that this type of investment involves depositing within a certain period. That is, you lend money to the bank and receive interest rates in exchange for this type of operation.

In most cases, the longer the investment period, the greater the appreciation offered by the bank.

Advantages of term deposit

  • You will be able to enjoy greater profitability compared to savings accounts.
  • In many countries, this type of investment is protected by credit guarantee funds.
  • The investment has shorter grace periods than other existing types of investment. This will allow you to withdraw money after a short period of time.
