In this article you will find a list containing 30 interesting facts about food that are worth keeping informed.
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1. Pizza ingredient preferred by americans
No, it’s not the cheese or the tomato. Pepperoni is the most common ingredient in american pizzas, in fact, 1 out of every 2 pizzas is eaten with it.
A hot Italian-American dry salami composed of pig and beef, occasionally with bacon, is called pepperoni. Paprika serves as the primary flavoring during the product’s fermentation phases and slow cooking.
2. You were born to enjoy coffee
Researchers from the renowned Harvard University in the United States have uncovered six distinct gene types that regulate caffeine digestion and explained why different people react to coffee in various ways.
So, the genes are to blame. And based on these characteristics, only one sip of this drink can renew and energize a person. Others would require two or three glasses to get the same result.
3. 25% of apples is air
There are several oddities in the apple. It contains 25% air, which is what makes food sound crunchy when you bite into it.
The seeds shouldn’t be eaten since they induce the stomach to emit a deadly toxin. However, the individual would need to eat a lot of seeds to become drunk.
4.Goat milk is used more than cow milk
Although cow’s milk is more widespread in our culture, if we take a look at the global level, more liters of goat’s milk are used every day.
Goat’s milk is simpler to digest since it has less lactose in it. The nutritional content, which includes the same amounts of calcium and the vitamins A, D, E, and K as cow’s milk, is similar to that of cow’s milk.
5. Chocolate prolongs health
In rich foods we have defended many times the benefits of dark chocolate, but we are supported by a harvard study that states that those who drink chocolate live longer than those who do not.
There is no better reason to consume chocolate, yes, with some control. Excesses are never good.

6. Favorite food during pregnancy
Although each body is a world and more if we talk about cravings, the truth is that most pregnant women agree that during the 9 months of pregnancy they feel weak for nachos.
The scientific explanation has not been found, but it is at least a curious fact.
7. Apples are the best substitute for coffee
If you’ve already had a full cup of coffee to start your day, know that researchers suggest an apple is a much better alternative. The apple, indeed! Nutritionists and nutrologists support the claim despite the lack of data to support the fruit’s superiority to Brazil’s most popular beverage.
In fact, eating an apple gives me more energy than a cup of coffee. Time to change habits?
8. What is the fruit with the most proteins?
Avocado, one of the richest foods in protein that nature gives us. Seize it!
In addition to being tasty, the favorite fruit of the moment is rich in fiber, potassium, sodium, magnesium, vitamin A, C, E, K 1, folate, B-6, niacin, pantathenic acid, riboflavin, choline, lutein, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin , phytosterols and monounsaturated vitamins, which help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
9. Bananas make us happier
This is due to a substance present in them. Not only do they give us energy, they also improve our mood.

10. How to avoid crying with onions?
If you can’t help but cry every time you cut an onion, try doing it while chewing gum. The effect is counteracted.
Tears can also be avoided by placing the onion in a dish of icy water before chopping. To reduce eye discomfort and bring down the temperature of the meal, about 30 minutes of “soaking” is sufficient. 5.
Another tip to assist you chop the onion without crying is to place it in a bowl of cold water.
11. Beer already existed in egypt
That’s right, it is not a custom of our days but since ancient egypt, about 5,000 years ago, they already drank beer.
Everyone of all ages and social strata, from the pharaoh to the lowest social classes, drank beer, which was a staple diet in ancient Egypt.
Paintings discovered within tombs demonstrate that alcohol was also valued by the deceased.
12.Acorns or coffee?
During the united states civil war and faced with the shortage of coffee, the countrymen of the time took acorns instead of coffee.
It must not be very good if the custom has not been maintained, since when the war period ended and coffee beans became available in normal quantities, the population returned to use them again until they forgot about the acorns.
13. The effect of raisins and champagne
On the next new year’s eve, prepare a raisin and put it in your glass of champagne. You will surprise everyone with what happens: the raisin started to sway up and down. This up and down continues for a long time.
This takes place because the raisins start to rise when the density of the “raisin + carbon dioxide” combination is fixed on the raisin. The gas is released when the raisin reaches the surface, returning it to its original density and causing it to sink once more.
Up until all the gas is released and the raisins permanently sink, this procedure will be repeated, giving the raisins an extremely intriguing up and down effect.
14. Chocolate consumed in the USA
Every second 45 kilos of chocolate are spent in the united states.
The United States is the nation with the biggest volume of chocolate consumption worldwide, based on the size of the population and the appeal of this commodity. All generations enjoy chocolate, which is a very well-liked commodity in the United States.
15. Grapes and the microwave
Do not try to put a grape in the microwave: it will explode.
Although it may sound unusual, many people think that boiling grapes in the microwave can produce homemade raisins. This is untrue! The grape will burn, and your microwave could possibly explode as a result.
16. Chocolate helps people with lactose intolerance
In view of these curiosities of food, chocolate is a great ally. Not only does it lengthen our lives as we have seen before, but it also helps to better tolerate lactose in case of intolerances.
17. The coconut, a deadly weapon
The fall of the coconuts from the palm trees cause around 150 deaths a year…
According to several stories, a falling coconut may be highly lethal and is a more likely cause of death than a shark.
Local governments likewise treated the matter with seriousness. Due to concerns that they may topple, officials in Queensland, Australia, removed coconut palms from public beaches in 2002.
18. Australia, the largest consumer of pancakes
If you thought that pancakes can only be eaten for breakfast or snack, take a look at our antipodes. There they are taken at any time of the day, including lunch or dinner.
19. No two popcorn is the same
As if it were fingerprints, but in a popcorn version.

How does popcorn pop, by the way? The grain receives heat, which raises the temperature of the water inside it until it boils and surrounds itself in steam. Along with water, the grain also contains a little amount of solid starch that, as the temperature rises, transforms into gelatin and expands.
The hard maize cascade is broken by the heat pressure caused by water vapor and starch, which is larger than the internal pressure of a vehicle tire. This causes the starch to solidify and transform into the original white foam that we eat.
20. How long does it take to cook an ostrich egg?
If you want to make a hard-boiled egg with an ostrich egg, you will need to arm yourself with patience, since it will take up to 4 hours to complete the entire cooking.
You’ll need a sizable pot, an hour for soft, and 90 minutes for hard cooking.
21. Beans contain cyanide
Obviously, in very small quantities and not at all toxic, but without a doubt it is something to take into account.
Food can be detrimental to the body’s health if eaten uncooked. That’s because, in these circumstances, it contains significant amounts of hydrogen cyanide.
Humans are very poisonous to such a chemical molecule. White beans must thus be cooked completely. One suggestion is to toss away the cooking water after leaving the pan open to allow the poison to escape.
22. In china they take a lot of salt
Millennia have passed since then, but it is curious that at some point in our history people died for taking 500 grams of salt.
The latest study finds that 84% of individuals in other countries use “moderate” amounts of salt, compared to 80% of Chinese people who exceed the limit. Additionally, if people consumed more potassium—which is rich in fruits, nuts, and vegetables—cardiovascular issues reduced.
23. Tomato sauce was a medicine
We do not know exactly what it was indicated for, but less than 200 years ago tomato sauce was sold in pharmacies and not in supermarkets.
When Henry J. Heinz introduced tomatoes produced on an industrial scale and in glass bottles, the term “red sauce” became widely known. Ketchup now comes in a variety of tastes and types, including bittersweet, acidic, and spicy.
As was previously noted, in the 1830s, ketchup was marketed as a medication since the majority of people thought it might help prevent cancer. Dr. Miles was its name.
24. Alcohol contains minerals
Specifically, 13 minerals that help us avoid dehydration. Alcoholic beverages are high in potassium, a mineral that, if not excreted from the body, can seriously harm the heart, in addition to increasing the quantity of fluid in the body.
Potassium makes breathing harder, weakens the heart, and makes the patient more exhausted.
25. Vinegar and pearls
If you have a pearl necklace, don’t try this test. With the contact of the vinegar the natural pearls dissolve.
90% calcium carbonate makes up the constitution of real pearls. In the presence of acid, even a mild acid like vinegar, certain chemical compounds can actually dissolve.
Similar to this, an egg shell can disintegrate when acetic acid is present.
26. The most consumed food in the world?
Rice, for its price, its satiating power, its nutritional value and the large number of rice fields that exist.
According to the most current studies on the issue, rice is the meal that is consumed most frequently. The rice is quite reliant. You seldom eat rice by itself, after all. However, he has a wide range of skills. Rice may be used to make a variety of foods, including desserts.
27. Snakes in japanese liquors
Some types of japanese liquors contain, among their ingredients, poisonous snakes.
The popular Okinawan beverage habushu has been offered as a memento for more than 10 years. It dates back to the Ryukyu Period, when habu snakes were prized as luxury ingredients because they were thought to have curative properties. As a result, it is now marketed as a tonic.
13 more herb, spice, and honey varieties are added to the mixture. Habu Sake is not harmful after it is finished. According to legend, habushu treats lethargy, back pain, arthritis, sleeplessness, and troubles with male erections.
28. Popeye made me increase the consumption of spinach.

Especially among children, who thanks to these drawings began to eat more vegetables at the time.
29. Consume of m&ms
Approximately 200 million m&ms are consumed per day in the USA.
Small chunks of milk chocolate covered in sugar are the main focus of the Mars, Inc.-owned M&M’s brand. The company is recognized for their “talking M&Ms,” which can be seen in product advertisements on television.
30. Oranges are not the fruit with the most vitamin c
Despite its fame, there are other fruits with more vitamin c than the orange, for example, the strawberry.

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